首页> 中文期刊> 《体育科技文献通报》 >外用伤科药对运动性慢性骨骼肌损伤及肌细胞 IL -6表达影响研究

外用伤科药对运动性慢性骨骼肌损伤及肌细胞 IL -6表达影响研究



目的:研究不同外用伤科药对运动性骨骼肌慢性损伤中肌细胞 IL -6表达的影响以及骨骼肌细胞中 IL -6在运动性慢性肌组织损伤修复中所发挥的作用。方法:采用体重2.2kg—2.5kg 成年雄性新西兰兔42只,随机分为对照组、扶他林组、消痛贴组,每组21只。其中每组又分为4、5周组,每组7只。动物采用高电压低电流刺激仪刺激,使其产生主动的跑跳运动,训练方案:0.1-0.2s/次(每两次间隔12s),20min/组(两组间歇20min),3组/天,5天/周。训练结束后分别给4周、5周扶他林组和消痛贴组以不同的外用药。各组在相应的训练周(4、5)完成后取左腿腓肠肌内侧头,用4%多聚甲醛固定液保存,进行 HE 染色及免疫组织化学处理,光镜观察肌组织形态变化及细胞中 IL -6表达的免疫组织化学图像分析,计算 IL-6平均光密度值。结果:1、随着训练时间的推移,骨骼肌细胞 IL -6的表达明显增多;2、外用伤科药可以降低运动性慢性骨骼肌损伤中细胞的炎症因子;3、外用伤科药可以显著降低运动性慢性骨骼肌损伤中肌细胞 IL -6的表达。结论:1、骨骼肌损伤中,肌细胞的炎性因子与肌细胞 IL -6的表达存在一定的联系;2、外用伤科药对慢性骨骼肌损伤中肌细胞的修复有着较明显的作用;3、运动性慢性骨骼肌损伤中,不同的外用伤科药都可以显著降低骨骼肌 IL -6的表达影,二者没有显著差别。%The thesis aims at discussing the influence of different external applied medicine to muscle cells IL -6 expression in exercise -induced chronic skeletal muscle injuries,as well as the role IL -6 played in exercise -induced skeletal muscleinjury rehabilitation.Methods:Randomly divide 42 adult male New Zealand rabbits weighted from 2.2kg to 2.5kg into 3 groups—control group,voltaren group and pain -relieving paste group,with 7 rabbits per group.And each group is divided into 4 -week group and 5 -week group.High voltage and low current stimulation is used to stimulate the rabbits to run and jump actively.Training schedule:0.1 -0.2s per time with 12s intervals,20min per set with 20min intervals between sets,3 sets per day and 5 days a week.After training,use different medicine for voltaren group and pain -relieving paste group (both 4 -week and 5 -week groups).Inside muscle heads of left leg gastrocnemius muscles are sampled when the training week finished, preservedin 4% paraformaldehyde and treated with HE dyeing and immunochemistry.Then the change of organelle’s tissue and immunochemical analysis on IL -6 image in cells are observed under light microscope to counts the IL -6average optical density value.Results are as follows:First,inflammatory factors are related with muscle sell IL - 6 expression in skeletal muscle injuries. Second, external applied medicine is significantlyeffective for chronic skeletal muscle damage.Third,no significant differences between different external medicines in reducing skeletal sell IL -6 expression.



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