首页> 中文期刊> 《建筑热能通风空调》 >钢铁厂袋式除尘器滤袋失效的测试与分析




In orderto revealthe failure characteristicsoffilterbagsin steelplant,changesofthe m echanicalproperties and air perm eability of different parts of the bags w ere tested. T he m icroscope property w as observed by scanning electron m icroscopy. T he results show ed that:there existed differences in breaking strength and elongation at different positionsofthe bag and the w eftdeclined m ore than the w arp.The airperm eability decreased gradually along the bottom of the bag tow ards the top, w hich indicates that the distribution of dust in the bag surface w as uneven. T he surface microscopicchangesreflectedtheinitialcauseoffailure,whichshowedthesurfaceofthefiberswaschemicalcorroded and the dam age ofthe m em brane w illbe a directresultofthe penetration ofdust.%针对钢铁厂失效滤袋的特性,测试了滤袋不同部位的力学性能、透气性能的变化,并通过扫描电镜方式观察失效滤料的微观特性。结果发现:滤袋不同位置的断裂强力和断裂伸长率存在差异,纬向的下降幅度大于径向;滤袋透气率沿袋底向袋顶方向逐渐下降,这表明粉尘在滤袋表面的分布不均匀;滤袋表面的微观变化初步反映了失效的原因,纤维表面受到明显的化学侵蚀,覆膜滤料中表面膜的损坏会直接导致粉尘穿透滤料。



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