首页> 中文期刊> 《北京生物医学工程》 >超声-微气泡介导的基因转染研究进展




A key for successful and effective gene therapy is to make targeted gene transfer at the specific location in vivo� The microbubbles ( MB) are bubbles which have stable shell and grain size of micron, and have been used as a contrast agent for ultrasound image� Microbubbles can release the target gene in addition to heat and cavitation effects which can improve the tranfection efficiency� Combined with the magnetic nanoparticles, the microbubbles become magnetic microbubbles ( MMB)� MMB can make the transfection more accurately and is an ideal gene carrier for its safety and effectiveness� This paper reviews the progress in gene transfection mediated by ultrasonic microbubbles in recent 5 years� The factors influencing the transfection such as the kinds of MB, the conditions of ultrasonic irradiation, the types of gene and acceptor are analyzed in detail� In addition, certain problems such as security, long⁃acting and otherness in gene transfection mediated by ultrasonic microbubbles are discussed.%能否成功高效地转染靶基因对于基因治疗的效果具有决定性的影响。微气泡是具有稳定的封装壳,直径为微米量级的小气泡,已作为超声造影剂被广泛应用。微气泡在超声脉冲的作用下可以在靶区释放其携带的基因并使之转染,同时超声脉冲产生的热效应和空化效应能提高转染率。若将微气泡与磁性纳米颗粒结合,还可以进一步提高转染率和转染精度,是一种理想、安全的基因载体。本文综述了由超声-微气泡介导的基因转染在近5年的主要研究成果。对影响转染率的主要因素如微气泡种类、超声辐照条件、基因及受体类型等方面做了详细的论述,并对微气泡介导基因转染过程中的安全性、长效性和差异性等问题进行了讨论。



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