首页> 中文期刊> 《干旱环境监测》 >克拉玛依市中心城区颗粒物中多环芳烃污染特征




在克拉玛依市中心城区布设4个采样点,在供暖期和非供暖期分别同步采集4个点位大气中不同粒径的颗粒物,采用HPLC进行分析并计算2个采样期内PM10和PM2.5中多环芳烃( PAHs)的浓度和种类。结果表明:中心城区供暖期PM10中PAHs浓度为56.19 ng/m3,PM 2.5中PAHs浓度为48.85 ng/m3;中心城区非供暖期PM10中PAHs浓度为18.86 ng/m3,PM2.5中PAHs浓度为14.53 ng/m3。不同采样期PM10和PM2.5中PAHs浓度变化趋势相同,均为供暖期明显大于非供暖期。中心城区供暖期大气颗粒物吸附的PAHs以4环以下的组份为主,非供暖期则是5~6环的高环数组份偏多。分析结果表明克拉玛依市中心城区供暖期颗粒物中PAHs来源于燃煤排放叠加机动车排放,与中心城区集中供热锅炉关系密切;非供暖期则是以机动车排放污染为主。%Laid 4 sampling points in center of Karamay city ,collected particulate matter of different sizes in the atmosphere continuously in heating and non -heating collected period respectively ,analyzed the types and calculated the concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs) in each period by HPLC .The results showed that:the PAHs concentration of cen-tral city at heating period were 56.19 ng/m3 in PM10 and 48.85 ng/m3 in PM2.5 ,respectively;And the PAHs concentration of central city at non-heating period were 18.86 ng/m3 in PM10 and 14.53 ngm/3 in PM25. ,respectively;The PAHs concentra -tion variation shows the same trend either in PM 10 or in PM2.5 ,the concentration at heating period are significantly higher than non-heating period .PAHs adsorpted by atmospheric particles in central city are mainly composited less than 4 benzene rings at heating period ,but the mainly component at non heating period composited 5~6 benzene rings .The results show that the PAHs in particulate of central city of Karamay at heating period comes mainly from coal -fired vehicle emissions , it related closely with the central heating boiler of downtown ,and it is given priority to vehicle emission pollution at non-heating period .



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