首页> 中文期刊>地域研究与开发 >工业污染与恩格尔系数的库兹涅茨分析--基于面板数据的联立方程模型




The research is based on three types of indicators of 31 provinces from the year of 2000 to 2010, including the industrial waste water , the industrial waste gas and the industrial solid waste pollutants ,then use the panel data to establish simultaneous -equations with entity fixed effects regression model for analyzing the feedback relationship about the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) between the urban and rural Engel coefficient and in -dustrial emissions.By the equation of EC-EKC-IP, the results show that the relationship of the industrial emissions with urban and rural Engel coefficient are not all in line with the environmental Kuznets inverted U -shaped curve. Therefore coordination development between environmental governance and economic growth must be realized in or -der to achieve the purpose of reducing the Engel coefficient and industrial emissions .%基于2000-2010年中国31个省份的工业废水排放总量、工业废气排放总量、工业固体废物排放总量三类指标,适当添加人均可支配收入解释变量。利用面板数据的联立方程个体固定效应模型分析了城镇和农村恩格尔系数分别与污染物排放量之间的环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)双向反馈作用关系。由 EC-EKC-IP 方程的结果表明,工业三废的排放与城镇、农村恩格尔系数之间的关系未必都符合环境库兹涅茨倒 U 型曲线。因此,必须协调好环境治理与经济增长两者的均衡发展,以达到降低恩格尔系数和减少工业污染的双赢目标。



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