首页> 中文期刊>地域研究与开发 >北京市住宅价格的影响因素和轨道交通效应




以北京住宅楼盘样本为例,定性总结了轨道交通对住宅价格的明显增值效应以及距离衰减规律,并且明确了空间影响的距离参数。住宅价格随距离轨道交通站点的远近而变化,最高值出现在离最近轨道交通站点300~600 m 之间。从建筑结构、地理区位和邻里环境三方面选取23个变量,采用特征价格模型定量分析了不同因素对住宅价格的空间影响效应和规律。其中,11个变量对住宅价格都有一定影响,建筑面积、混合住宅、精装和容积率以及至高速公路、工业区和公园的距离与价格正相关;至天安门和商业设施距离与价格负相关。住宅价格的轨道交通效应凸显,影响程度高于距天安门和高速公路的距离,已建地铁比在建地铁影响程度高。至已建和在建地铁站距离每减少1 km,价格分别平均上升1313元/m 2和502元/m 2。%Taking real estate samples within the six -ring of Beijing as an example, first, the significant appre-ciation effects of rail traffic on the house price and the distance attenuation law are qualitatively summarized , and the distance parameter of space impact is cleared , housing price changes with distance , and the maximum value oc-curs between 300 ~600 meters from the nearest metro station; secondly, from the three sides of buildings struc-tures, geographical location and environmental characteristics , 23 factors were selected, using Hedonic price mod-el, the effect and the law of impact of different factors on the housing prices were quantitatively analyzed .The re-sult shows that, there are some impact of 11 variables on housing prices.Among building structural factors, the construction area and mixed residential and fine decoration and floor area rate are a positive correlation with housing prices respectively.Among location factors, the distance to Tiananmen Square is negatively related to housing prices.Among neighborhood environmental factors , the distance to commercial facilities is negatively related to housing prices, and the distance to industrial zone and the park is positively correlated to housing prices separately . In addition, rail transit effects of the house price is quite obvious .The impact of rail traffic on housing prices is higher than the two features of the distance from Tiananmen Square and the highway .The impact of the built sub-way on housing prices is higher than the building subway .The distance to the nearest built and building subway sta -tions was reduced 1 km, the average housing prices are increased 1 313 and 502 yuan per square meters respective -ly.



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