首页> 中文期刊>计算机应用研究 >基于动态 LZ W与算术编码的缓变信号无损压缩

基于动态 LZ W与算术编码的缓变信号无损压缩



This paper proposed the dynamic programming LZW and arithmetic coding data compression method according to the characteristics of time correlation for slowly varying signals,in order to improve the compression ratio of the engine condi-tion monitoring data in large-scale moving and complicated equipment.This paper proposed the algorithm of the dynamic LZW combined with arithmetic coding for compressing further the coding of LZW based on dynamic programming.The algorithm above could reduce effectively the redundancy of state parameters.Simulations indicate that,the method of dynamic LZW com-bined with arithmetic encoding has the highest compression rate,but its computational complexity is high;and the dynamic programming arithmetic coding algorithm is easy to implement and finds application in distributed monitoring system,which the compression ratio is over sixty percent for the performance parameters of water temperature,oil temperature and oil pressure.%为提高大型移动复杂装备分布式监测系统发动机状态数据的压缩率,利用缓变信号时间相关性,提出了基于动态规划LZW和算术编码的数据压缩方法。为进一步实现动态LZW编码压缩,提出了动态LZW与算术编码相结合的数据压缩算法。上述方法有效减少了信号的冗余度。仿真结果表明,相结合方法压缩率最高,但算法复杂度高;基于动态规划算术编码方法易于实现,水温、油温、油压压缩率均在60%以上,在分布式监测系统中得到应用。



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