首页> 中文期刊>廉政文化研究 >场域与惯习视角下的权力腐败发生逻辑--基于广东省8个腐败个案的实证研究




In the daily life, there exist two kinds of habits, with one positive and the other negative. The former plays the role of inhibition in fighting against corruption while the latter has the incentive nature of luring the occurrence of corruption. In the social transformation, power lies at the central position in the social space, and the institutions in the fields show the dominant and recessive traits. Corruption generates from the combined effects of recessive institutions and negative habits. Therefore, to tackle corruption, we should on the one hand transform the recessive institutions into dominant systems, and constraint public powers by carrying out the recessive institutions into practice. On the other hand, we should reconstruct a healthy social rela-tionship to inhibit corruption by steering the negative habits into positive ones.%日常生活中的“惯习”有正负之分,前者对于腐败有抑制作用,后者对于腐败具有诱因性。社会转型期,权力在社会空间中处于中心位置,场域中的体制表现为显性与隐性,腐败的产生来源于隐性体制与负面惯习的共同作用。从根本上治理腐败,一方面要从隐性体制转向显性体制,通过将显性体制落到实处形成对权力的制约;另一方面从负面惯习转向正面惯习,通过重构健康的社会关系抑制腐败发生。



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