首页> 中文期刊>农业图书情报学刊 >论高校图书馆的导读书目与硕士研究生的经典阅读——以山东大学图书馆导读书目与山东大学文史哲研究院硕士研究生经典阅读为例




University library is the palace of knowledge, is a graduate of the second class, the library should play the second class action, reading books. Do work Classic reading is literature, history and philosophy master graduate student culture study and cognitive basic ways, but also promote literature, history and philosophy master graduate student academic research started the most effective way. University library to increase the literature, history and philoso- phy master graduate student reading classic reading skills and education and guidance of reading methods, so as to improve the literature, history and philosophy master graduate student research interest, promote literature, history and philosophy master graduate student, and enhance the cultural accumulation literature, history and philosophy master graduate student of the professional quality and control the literature material ability.%高校图书馆是知识的殿堂,因此图书馆应发挥第二课堂作用,做好导读书目工作。经典阅读是文史哲硕士研究生文化性学习和认知的基本方式,同时也是促进其研究起步的有效途径。高校图书馆要加大对其经典阅读的阅读技能和阅读方法的教育与引导,从而提高学生的科研兴趣,促进其文化积累,进而提升他们的专业素养与驾驭文献资料的能力。



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