首页> 中文期刊> 《航空计算技术》 >基于GA的民航飞机水平航线动态寻优算法




When the current flight management computer system( FMCS)optimizes flight, it assumes the flight line is an invariable parameter. Th is hypothesis is mutually exclusive to the new concept of free-flight(FF),and it hinders air space and such new technique as GPS from being made best use of. Th e on-line optimization of flight line is the key to the question. Here the mathe matical modeling of the on-line optimization of flight line is investigated firs t, and then a new optimization algorithm based on an advanced GA is presented be cause common algorithms always cost much time to an intolerable extent. At last s imulation tests are conducted to evaluate the new algorithm's performance.%目前的机载飞行管理计算机系统(FMCS)在进行飞行优化时,视航路为固定常量。这与自由飞概念是相斥的,而且也制约了对空域和GPS等技术的充分利用。水平航线的动态实时优化是解决该问题的根本方法。本文首先研究了该优化问题的数学建模;然后针对普通寻优算法耗时颇巨的缺点,提出了基于一种改进的遗传算法(GA) 的航线动态优化算法;最后给出了部分仿真实验结果以评估此算法的性能。



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