首页> 中文期刊>成人教育 >农村成人教育助力乡村振兴——我国农村成人教育研究热点的文献计量可视化分析




农村成人教育是实现乡村振兴重要抓手.采用知识图谱的可视化分析方法对我国农村成人教育研究相关文献进行梳理, 结果表明现有研究主要集中在成人教育与农村经济发展关系、"农科教"结合视域下农村成人教育与职业教育协同发展、新农村建设背景下新型职业农民培育、农村成人教育经费问题、农村成人教育问题与对策、农村成人远程教育研究等领域.未来还需要在乡村振兴战略下农村成人教育的定位与功能定向研究、"互联网+"农村成人远程教育发展研究、农村成人教育比较研究、农村成人教育助推精准扶贫研究等领域展开.%Rural adult education is an important means to realize rural revitalization. This paper adopts the co-word visualization analysis method to study rural adult education in China. The results indicate the research hotspots include six fields: the relationship between adult education and rural economic development, the collaborative development of rural adult education and vocational education in the perspective of "Combination of agricultural science and education", research on the cultivation of new professional farmers under the background of new rural construction, the problem of rural adult education funding, problems and countermeasures in rural adult education and rural adult distance education. In the future, Chinese researchers still need to extend rural adult education research fields in the orientation and function orientation of rural adult education in Rural Revitalization Strategy, "Internet plus" rural adult distance education development research, comparative study of rural adult education, rural adult education promotion to take targeted measures in poverty alleviation.



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