首页> 中文期刊> 《针刺研究》 >分子生物学技术在针灸研究中的应用




In the present paper, the authors introduce recent progress of application of molecular biological techniques in the studies on the underlying mechanism of acupuncture therapy for 1) resisting inflammation and relieving pain, 2) resisting tumors, 3) improving ischemic cerebral and myocardial injury, and 4) delaying aging from gene transcription and expression (synthesis of mRNA); and for relieving sciatic nerve injury, spinal traumatic injury, and cerebral ischemia from protein expression or phosphorylation. In addition, the authors also make a preliminary analysis on the extant problems of the application of techniques of both genomics and proteomics in acupuncture research at the present and predict their applicable prospect.%本文概述了近几年分子生物学技术在针灸效应机制研究中的应用进展.首先从基因表达方面总结了该技术的应用,包括:①抗炎及镇痛,②抗肿瘤,③改善脑缺血和心肌损伤,④抗衰老;其次从蛋白质组学方面介绍了目前所取得的进展.本文还对目前针灸作用机制的基因和蛋白组学研究中存在的问题进行了初步的分析,并对进一步的研究做了展望.



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