首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽医科大学学报》 >弱精症不育患者睾丸相关指标与精索静脉曲张超声检查关系的探讨




To explore the relation between related indexes of testis( testicular volume,semen analysis ) and super-sonic inspection of varicocele in patients with asthenozoospermia. To povide positive basis for the cause of infertility. 129 asthenozoospermia patients(113 cases with VC) and 35 healthy people were inspected by ultrasound,compri-sing of testicular,parastata,the left spermatic vein maximum daimeter and the time of backflow. The varicoceles were divided into SVC group and VC group including of (VC1,VC2 and VC3). It was compared that the difference of the testis volume and semen analysis between the groups and each other of them. Compared with the normal con-trol group,the left testicular mean volume of VC group was smaller obviously(P<0. 01). Compared between each other in VC groups,the mean volume of left testis was smaller obviously than right (P<0. 05), the mean volume of testis of VC2 and VC3 group was smaller obviously than the normal control group ( P<0. 05 ) , the mean volume of right testis of VC3 was smaller obviously than the SVC group ( P <0. 05 ) . Compared with the normal control group,the semen analysis of VC group was descending obviously(P<0. 01),and the differences between each other in VC groups were obvious.%对129例弱精症患者[伴精索静脉曲张(VC)113例]与30例正常对照者进行彩超检查,主要检查睾丸、附睾、精索静脉最大内径及精索静脉返流情况,将113例精索静脉曲张患者设为曲张组,并进行超声分级,分为亚临床型精索静脉曲张( SVC)、临床型精索静脉曲张( VC1、VC2、VC3)。比较组间睾丸体积、精液质量变化的差异性,以及曲张组内两两组间睾丸体积及精液质量变化的差异性。组间差异有统计学意义,曲张组左侧睾丸平均体积小于正常组左侧睾丸平均体积(P<0.01);曲张组内左侧睾丸平均体积均明显小于同级右侧睾丸平均体积( P<0.05), VC2、VC3两组右侧睾丸体积均明显小于正常组右侧睾丸体积(P<0.05),VC3组的右侧睾丸体积小于SVC组( P<0.05)。曲张组的精液质量(精子活力、精子活率及精子密度)均明显低于正常对照组(P<0.01);VC组内两两比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 VC可引起睾丸体积减小,精液质量下降,随曲张程度增加,睾丸体积变小越明显、精液质量的变化也呈下降趋势。



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