首页> 中文期刊> 《电子学报》 >一种新的非2的整数幂阶的QAM调制设计




This paper proposed a novel and universal Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) design whose modulation index is not the integral power of 2;it also realized die QAM modulation in a higher resolution of modulation index by mapping consecutive constellations into bit sequences.The novel QAM design can reduce the gap of the performance between different modulations and enrich the choices of QAM in adaptive modulation.This paper took 28QAM as an example to state the method of design,mainly including the design of a mapping rule which made the 28 constellation points mapped into bit sequences and simulate its performances.The BER curve of 28QAM is in the middle between 24QAM and 32QAM.%本文提出了一种新的具有普遍适用性的调制阶数非2的整数幂的正交幅度调制(Quadrature Amplitude Modulattion,QAM)设计方法,通过建立特定个连续星座点与特定长度比特序列的映射关系,实现了码速率分辨率更高的QAM调制解调,丰富了自适应调制中QAM的选择,缩小待选QAM调制的性能间隔.本文以28QAM为例说明其设计方法.



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