首页> 中文期刊> 《生态学报》 >碳排放影响下中国省域旅游效率损失度研究




旅游效率损失度反映了碳排放对旅游效率的影响程度.采用超越对数生产函数测算2001-2014年中国30个省(区、市)的旅游效率及损失度,并运用面板回归模型分析效率损失的驱动力.结果表明:(1)碳排放对中国各省(区、市),尤其是中部省份的旅游效率造成了损失.研究期内,中国总体旅游效率损失度呈现上升趋势,东部地区年均增幅最大;(2)中国旅游效率与损失度总体上处于中等水平,但损失度年均增长率远高于旅游效率增长率,中部地区因为排放问题造成了较大的效率损失;(3)根据不同省域旅游效率及其损失度,可划分为“高效低损、高效高损、低效低损、低效高损”4种类型区;(4)基础设施、旅游接待能力、旅游吸引力、旅游产业规模、旅游产业结构、能源技术对不同类型区的影响存在差异,应根据外力驱动大小和作用方向调整旅游效率优化策略.%Tourism efficiency (TE) has received increasing attention in research and policy development.Considering that CO2-emission is one of the important factors influencing TE at both,international and regional levels,the need to understand its impact on TE is not only a managerial challenge,but also an issue of vital importance.This paper proposes a conceptual framework of tourism efficiency-loss (TEL),and calculates the TE and TEL of 30 Chinese provinces during 2001-2014 by utilizing the transcendental logarithmic production function,followed by the analysis of TEL variables using the panel regression model.Our results show that:(1) TEL can serve as an indicator of the impact of carbon emissions on TE.(2) For the entire study period,the CO2-emission has resulted in a high TEL value for all provinces,especially in central China.At the provincial level,most of the eastern provinces (e.g.,Tianjing,Shandong,Zhejiang,Jiangsu,etc.),small parts of the central provinces (e.g.,Henan),and parts of the western provinces (e.g.,Qinghai and Inner Mongolia) showed a lower TEL value,while most of the central and western provinces,such as Shanxi,Hunan,Hubei,Gansu,etc.,showed a relatively high TEL value.(3) An average increase was observed in the growth rates of both TE and TEL;however,the annual growth rate of TEL was relatively higher than that of TE.The general TEL levels have been experiencing a rising trend over the past 15 years in China,and the eastern region became the fastest region,followed by the western and northeast region.On the contrary,the central provinces experienced a decrease in the rate of TEL.(4) According to their TE and TEL values,the Chinese provinces can be categorized into four types:high-TE and low-TEL,high-TE and high-TEL,low-TE and high-TEL,and low-TE and low-TEL.The "high-TE and low-TEL" regions included Tianjing,Shanghai,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Shandong,Guangdong,Henan,and Jilin,mostly in eastern China;the "high-TE and high-TEL" regions included Beijing,Hebei,Fujian,Shanxi,Anhui,Hubei,Hunan,Liaoning,and Chongqing,mostly in central China;the "low-TE and high-TEL" regions included Heilongjiang,Inner Mongolia,Sichuan,Yunnan,Shanxi,and Qinghai,mostly in northeast and northwest China;and the "low-TE and low-TEL" regions included Hainan,Jiangxi,Guangzhou,Gansu,Ningxia,and Xinjiang,mostly in central-western China.(5) The impacts of the infrastructure,reception capacity,attraction,industrial scale,industrial structure,and energy technology varied according to the type of region,making the selection of optimization measures different in each region.The "high-TE and low-TEL" regions should further improve the energy technology and optimize the structure of tourism industry.The "high-TE and highTEL" regions should use energy-saving technology,reduce emissions from tourism transport,and speed up the transformation of the mode of traditional tourism development pattern to a more connotative and intensive growth pattern.The "low-TE and high-TEL" regions should focus on raising tourism scenic marginal benefit,optimizing the tourism industrial structure and improving the level of energy conservation and intensive utilization of resources and tourism management.The "low-TE and low-TEL" regions should adjust the structure of the tourism industry,pay attention to the protection of tourism resources and environment,and reduce the negative impact of transportation on the environment.



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