首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江农业学报》 >杭州西郊十里坪系的特性和形成




We investigated particle composition,total chemical composition,iron oxides,cation exchangeable capacity,and clay mineralogy of a deep Shiliping series (fine clayey kaolinitic thermic plinthic haplic udic Ferrisols) derived from the Zhijiang sediment in the western suburbs of Hangzhou,Zhejiang province,China,and studied its genesis.The results showed that physical and chemical characteristics and mineral composition in the profile varied greatly from top to bottom.Based on the changing pattern of above properties,the whole profile could be divided into three sections (0-280 cm,280-460 cm and 460-800 cm).The soil formation was interrupted between neighboring sections, which suggested that the profile was formed by repeated sedimentation and accompanied by alternation of sedimentation and pedogenesis.The soil formation of every section was sustained for a long period in a wet and hot climatic condition.The interruption of soil formation might be related with excessive rainfall,therefore,the climate had some fluctuation in the pedological process of the profile.%对杭州西郊一个深厚的第四纪之江组网纹红土发育的十里坪系剖面的颗粒组成、全量化学组成、氧化铁形态、阳离子交换量和粘粒矿物组成等进行了分析。结果表明,该剖面中各层的理化性质及粘粒矿物组成有很大的差异,根据剖面中这些性质的变化规律,可把该剖面从上至下划分为三个层段,各层段之间有明显的间断,说明该剖面是由沉积物多次堆叠形成的,至少有3个沉积与红化作用的旋回,且各层段土壤的形成都持续了很长的时间,它们都形成于湿热的气候条件。土壤形成的间断可能与多水期相对应,这表明在该剖面形成过程中,气候有一定的波动。



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