首页> 中文期刊> 《俄罗斯学刊》 >中东欧民主化与市场化关系初探




In Central & Eastern Europe, the democratization and marketization are in a malignant interactive relationship when both of them are caught in difficult positions. Marketization during political unrest and democratization under economic recession bring adverse effects to each other and intensify difficulties for each other. However, the two sides have a benign interaction when both democratization and marketization processes are in smooth development. The higher degree of democratization and marketization makes the two sides promote each other and makes them step forward together. Therefore, generally speaking, countries with fast democratization, solid democratic systems and stable political situation have a faster pace of marketization, a more mature market economy and more rapid economic development. In addition to the compatibility between democratic systems and market economies, the positive relationship between the democratization and marketization of Central & Eastern Europe also benefits from the regulating and driving functions of the European Union.%中东欧国家的民主化与市场化遭遇困境时呈恶性互动关系,政治动荡中的市场化和经济衰退中的民主化给彼此带来不利影响,加剧各自的困难;民主化与市场化发展顺畅时呈良性互动关系,民主化和市场化程度越高,越是相互促进,共同进步。因此,民主化进度较快、民主制度较为巩固、政局较为稳定的国家一般也是市场化步子较大、市场经济较为成熟、经济发展较为迅速的国家。中东欧国家民主化与市场化的这种正相关关系得益于民主制度与市场经济之间的兼容性,更得益于欧盟在其中所起的规范和推动作用。



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