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Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) in Michigan salmonids.


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Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) caused by a Gram-positive bacterium, Renibacterium salmoninarum (R. salmoninarum) is a systemic disease that threatens the expansion of both cultured and wild salmonines worldwide. Historical records show that BKD affected Michigan's brook trout as early as 1955 (Allison 1958) and continued its spread to most of other salmonid species such as coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch ) spawners in the late sixties (MacLean and Yoder 1970) followed by a potent epizootic among the chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ) populations in Lake Michigan in the late 1980's (Holey et al. 1998). Despite the magnitude of the setback to fisheries conservation efforts in Michigan, relatively little research has been done on R. salmoninarum , primarily due to its slow-growing nature, which takes up to 12 weeks to obtain growth upon primary isolation. The tissue processing protocol and optimized culture technique developed in this study, has facilitated the isolation of large number of R. salmoninarum and achieved a remarkably shorter incubation time for primary isolation.; A sort of disagreement in results among the three used diagnostic assays (nPCR, Culture, Q-ELISA) was recorded during BKD testing of the feral and captive salmonid stocks for BKD, which may reflect the different phases of R. salmoninarum infection at the time of sampling. Further, the testing results demonstrated the presence of six patterns, with each of the patterns representing a probable stage along the course of R. salmoninarum infection.; Data also demonstrated that male spawner salmon play the same role played by female in transmission of R. salmoninarum by shedding of the bacteria and its soluble antigens in milt. Moreover, results revealed that Hinchenbrook coho strain is more susceptible to R. salmoninarum than the Michigan adapted coho salmon strain. Data also, supported the previous reports, which indicated that brook trout are highly susceptible to BKD. Also, data showed that prevalence of R. salmoninarum in the hatchery-raised brook trout is the same as wild strains residing in the water source and that Iron River brook trout are more vulnerable to R. salmoninarum infection than Assinica strain. Last, external parasites could played a possible role in initiation, speeding up the R. salmoninarum infection and BKD occurrence and mortalities is not related to changes in seasons. Finally, findings indicated that the adult parasitic sea lamprey is a new host range for R. salmoninarum where the bacteria were isolated from the kidneys of a number of sea lampreys from Lake Ontario in 2003 and 2004.
机译:由革兰氏阳性细菌引起的细菌性肾脏病(BKD),是鲑鱼肾单胞菌(R. salavirinarum),是一种系统性疾病,威胁着全世界养殖和野生鲑鱼的扩张。历史记录表明,BKD早在1955年(Allison 1958)就影响了密歇根州的河鳟,并继续传播到大多数其他鲑科鱼类,例如六十年代的银大麻哈鱼(Oncorhynchus kisutch)产卵场(MacLean和Yoder 1970),随后是强效鲑鱼。在1980年代后期,密歇根湖的奇努克鲑(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)种群中流行(Holey et al。1998)。尽管密歇根州渔业保护工作受到挫折的严重影响,但对鲑鱼的研究相对较少,这主要是由于其生长缓慢,在初次隔离时需要长达12周才能获得生长。本研究开发的组织处理方案和优化的培养技术,促进了大量沙门氏菌的分离,并大大缩短了初次分离的孵育时间。在对野生和圈养鲑鱼种群的BKD进行BKD测试期间,记录了三种使用的诊断测定法(nPCR,培养物,Q-ELISA)之间的某种差异,这可能反映了当时沙门氏菌感染的不同阶段。抽样。此外,测试结果表明存在六个模式,每个模式代表沿沙门氏菌感染过程的可能阶段。数据还表明,雄性产卵鲑鱼通过散布细菌及其可溶性抗原在鲑鱼中的传播,在雌性沙门氏菌的传播中发挥与雌性相同的作用。此外,结果表明,与密歇根州适应的银大麻哈鱼菌株相比,欣兴布鲁克银大麻哈鱼菌株对沙门氏菌更敏感。数据也支持以前的报告,这些报告表明小鳟鱼极易感染BKD。此外,数据表明,孵化场抬高的鳟鱼鳟鱼中的沙门氏菌的流行程度与水源中的野生菌株相同,并且铁河溪鳟鱼比Assinica菌株更容易受到沙门氏菌的感染。最后,外部寄生虫可能在启动过程中发挥了可能的作用,加速了沙门氏菌的感染和BKD的发生,死亡率与季节变化无关。最后,研究结果表明,成年寄生海七lamp鱼是鲑鱼新的寄主范围,在2003年和2004年从安大略湖的许多海七rey鱼的肾脏中分离出细菌。



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