首页> 外文学位 >Long -term impacts of early childhood care and education on children's academic, *behavior, and school outcomes: Is Head Start more effective than private preschools and no preschools for poor children?

Long -term impacts of early childhood care and education on children's academic, *behavior, and school outcomes: Is Head Start more effective than private preschools and no preschools for poor children?


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Children growing up in poor and disadvantaged environments tend to end up having weaker outcomes in most areas of outcome domains. Based on the existing literature that early childhood care education (ECCE) programs have immediate or short-term effects on child outcomes, Head Start is particularly designed as preventive programs that mitigate the negative impacts of economic deprivation on children's outcomes.;The primary purpose of this study was to examine whether participating in ECCE programs improve children's academic achievement, behavior problems, and school outcomes, throughout their elementary school and adolescent years even after controlling for other determinants, such as their home environments and neighborhood qualities. This study paid a particular attention to the long-term effects of Head Start participation on poor children's outcomes. It also closely examined whether there are any gender and racial differences in the effects of ECCE participation.;The data for this study came from various years of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and their two Child Development Supplements (CDS-I & II) of 1997 and 2002. The sample included 599 children who responded to the ECE participation question in 1995 PSID and participated in the following CDS-I and II. The multivariate analyses of this study revealed the following major findings: (1) Participation in ECCE programs did not generate consistent and significant long-term impacts on children's academic, behavior, and school outcomes; (2) Head Start participation was associated with increased academic test scores and decreased involvement with school problems throughout all school years (from age 7 to 17) for poor girls; (3) participation in any types of ECE programs was significantly related to long-term decreases in behavior problems among white children, and (4) home environments, parents' education, and neighborhood qualities are more consistent and significant determinants of children's long-term outcomes than ECE participation.;Findings of this study offer numerous implications for policy and research. They, most of all, support rationales for public investments in the most disadvantaged children by making affordable and high quality ECCE programs available. They also call for more studies that investigate racial and gender differences in the impacts of ECCE on children's outcomes.
机译:在贫困和处境不利的环境中成长的儿童往往在结果领域的大多数领域中的结局都较弱。基于现有的文献,幼儿保育(ECCE)计划对儿童结局有直接或短期的影响,Head Start特别设计为预防性计划,可减轻经济剥夺对儿童结局的负面影响。这项研究的目的是,即使在控制了其他决定因素(如家庭环境和邻里素质)之后,参加ECCE计划是否在整个小学和青春期提高儿童的学业成绩,行为问题和学校成绩。这项研究特别关注了“开始创业”参与对贫困儿童结局的长期影响。它还仔细检查了ECCE参与效果是否存在性别和种族差异。这项研究的数据来自收入动态小组研究(PSID)的不同年份及其两个儿童发育补遗(CDS-I和样本)包括599名儿童,这些儿童在1995年PSID中回答了ECE参与问题,并参加了以下CDS-I和II。这项研究的多变量分析显示出以下主要发现:(1)参加幼儿保育和教育计划并没有对儿童的学业,行为和学校成绩产生持续和重大的长期影响; (2)贫困女孩在整个学年(从7岁到17岁)中,参加起步与提高学业成绩和减少对学校问题的参与有关; (3)参加任何类型的ECE计划都与白人儿童行为问题的长期减少显着相关;(4)家庭环境,父母的教育程度和邻里素质更加一致,并且是儿童长期行为的重要决定因素成果比欧洲经委会参与。;这项研究的发现为政策和研究提供了许多启示。最重要的是,他们通过提供负担得起的高质量ECCE计划,支持对最弱势儿童的公共投资的理论基础。他们还呼吁开展更多研究,以研究幼儿保育和教育对儿童结局的影响中的种族和性别差异。


  • 作者

    Joo, Myungkook.;

  • 作者单位

    Washington University in St. Louis.;

  • 授予单位 Washington University in St. Louis.;
  • 学科 Social work.;Early childhood education.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 2006
  • 页码 133 p.
  • 总页数 133
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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