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Explaining the impact of work interference with family: The role of work-family psychological contract and cultural values.


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This study aims to further understand the mechanisms through which work interference with family (WIF) influences important attitudinal, behavioral, and well-being outcomes. First, the study expands the content of employees' psychological contract through creating a measure of Work-Family Psychological Contract Breach (WFPCB). The study also examines the mediating role of WFPCB in the relations between WIF and work-related outcomes. Finally, the study explores potential cultural influences by looking at the moderating role of individualism-collectivism on the relations between WIF and WFPCB as well as between WFPCB and the outcomes. Research was carried out in three stages: (1) telephone interviews were conducted to understand the content of work-family psychological contract; (2) the WFPCB measure was piloted; and (3) a final survey study was carried out to test the main hypotheses. Data were collected in both the U.S. and China, resulting in 20 participants each for the interview study, over 60 participants each for the pilot study and over 200 respondents each for the final stage. Support was found in both samples for the link between WIF and WFPCB, and some of the direct paths with the outcomes, especially the attitudinal variables. Full mediation effect of WFPCB was found for organizational commitment in the U.S. and for job satisfaction in China. Evidence for partial mediation was also found for the other attitudinal variables. The moderating role of individualism-collectivism at the individual level was only found in the Chinese sample for organizational commitment, such that the negative relationship between WIF and commitment was stronger when individualism was high. A country comparison of the hypothesized direct effect was posed as research questions. The present study contributes to the psychological contract and work-family literature by introducing the psychological contract theory and shedding some light on the potential mechanism through which work interference with family affects important outcomes such as employee job attitudes and well-being.
机译:这项研究的目的是进一步了解影响家庭工作(WIF)的机制会影响重要的态度,行为和幸福感。首先,该研究通过制定一种衡量工作家庭心理契约违约(WFPCB)的方法,扩展了员工心理契约的内容。该研究还考察了WFPCB在WIF与工作相关成果之间的关系中的中介作用。最后,该研究通过考察个人主义-集体主义对WIF与WFPCB之间以及WFPCB与结果之间关系的调节作用来探索潜在的文化影响。研究分三个阶段进行:(1)进行电话访谈以了解工作家庭心理契约的内容; (2)试行了WFPCB措施; (3)进行了最终调查研究以检验主要假设。在美国和中国均收集了数据,访谈研究每个吸引了20名参与者,试点研究每个吸引了60多名参与者,最后阶段每个吸引了200多名受访者。在两个样本中都发现了对WIF和WFPCB之间的联系以及某些与结果有关的直接途径的支持,尤其是态度变量。在美国,WFPCB发挥了充分的调解作用,这对组织承诺和中国的工作满意度都有影响。还发现了其他态度变量的部分调解证据。个人主义-集体主义在个人层面上的调节作用仅在中国的组织承诺样本中被发现,因此当个人主义很高时,WIF与承诺之间的负相关关系就更强。假设的直接影响的国家比较被提出作为研究问题。本研究通过介绍心理契约理论并阐明潜在的机制来工作,对家庭的工作干扰会影响诸如员工的工作态度和幸福感等重要结果,从而为心理契约和工作家庭文献做出了贡献。


  • 作者

    Xu, Xian.;

  • 作者单位

    University of South Florida.;

  • 授予单位 University of South Florida.;
  • 学科 Psychology Industrial.;Sociology Individual and Family Studies.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 2008
  • 页码 135 p.
  • 总页数 135
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类 工业心理学;社会学;
  • 关键词


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