首页> 中文学位 >“以学习者为中心”的EFL学习环境的多维建构——一种社会建构主义的观点







Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background information

1.2 Understanding EFL learning environment

1.2.1 Definition

1.2.2 Importance of language learning environment

1.2.3 EFL learning environment in China

1.3 Statement of problems

1.4 Purpose and significance of the study

1.5 Limitations of the study

Chapter Two Literature review

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Studies done abroad

2.3 Studies done at home

2.4 Implementations

2.4.1 Characteristics of a supportive, well-organized and appropriate leaning environment

2.4.2 Principles for creating a constructivist learning environment

2.4.3 Ingenerate demands of“learner-centered” learning theory

2.5 Summary

Chapter Three A Study of the EFL learning environment in China

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Design of the research

3.2.1 Objectives of the research

3.2.2 Methodology

3.2.3 Design of the questionnaire

3.2.4 Sampling

3.2.5 Limitations

3.3 Data analysis and major findings

3.3.1 Physical dimension of the EFL learning environment

3.3.2 Cognitive dimension of EFL learning environment

3.3.3 Psychological dimension of EFL learning environment

3.3.4 Social dimension of EFL learning environment

3.3.5 Responses to the expert interview

3.4 Summary

Chapter Four Construction of a multi-dimensional “learner-centered” EFL learning environment

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Optimizing the physical EFL learning environment

4.2.1 Creating an optimal classroom structure

4.2.2 Selecting appropriate and authentic leaning materials

4.2.3 Making a sufficient application of technological support

4.3 Creating a cognitively stimulating EFL learning environment

4.3.1 Fostering a dynamic interaction

4.3.2 Adapting a task-oriented approach

4.3.3 Fostering creativity and innovation

4.3.4 Fostering a learning autonomy

4.4 Building a psychologically pleasant EFL learning environment

4.4.1 Creating a positive classroom atmosphere

4.4.2 Fostering and keeping learners' motivation

4.4.3 Creating a cooperative and democratic learning climate

4.5 Constructing a socially supportive EFL learning environment

4.5.1 Conducting reflective, effective and democratic management

4.5.2 Fostering a positive and coherent campus culture

4.6 Summary

Chapter Five Conclusion


Appendix 1 MELEQ questionnaire for students

Appendix 2 MELEQ questionnaire for teachers

Appendix 3 Topics for expert interview

Appendix 4 Responses to items of MELEQ in physical dimension (from students)

Appendix 5 Responses to items of MELEQ in cognitive dimension (from students)

Appendix 6 Responses to items of MELEQ in psychological dimension (from students)

Appendix 7 Responses to items of MELEQ in social dimension (from students)

Appendix 8 Responses to items of MELEQ in physical dimension (from teachers)

Appendix 9 Responses to items of MELEQ in cognitive dimension (from teachers)

Appendix 10 Responses to items of MELEQ in psychological dimension (from teachers)

Appendix 11 Responses to items of MELEQ in social dimension (bom teachers)







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