首页> 中文学位 >论《新编大学英语》的主要特点







1. Introduction

2. A Brief Look at the Traditional Approach to the Teaching of College English

2.1 The limitations of teaching materials

2.1.1 Ignorance of the students' interests and needs

2.1.2 Overemphasis on the language forms but neglect of language use

2.1.3 Imbalance of the four skills

2.2 Teacher-centered Approach

2.2.1 Sentence explaining-centered model in the presentation of the text

2.2.2 Usage-Centered model in teaching structures or grammar

2.2.3 Teaching monologue with little interaction between the students and the teacher

3. The Evaluation and Selection of EFL Teaching Materials for Communicative Purpose

3.1 Four basic principles for material evaluation

3.1.1 Relate the teaching materials to your aims and objectives

3.1.2 Be aware of what language is for and select teaching materials which will help equip your students to use language effectively for their own purposes

3.1.3 Keep your students' learning needs in mind

3.1.4 Consider the relationship between language, the learning process and the learner

3.2 Developing language skills through communicative practice

3.2.1 Free production of spoken English

3.2.2 Integrated skills

3.3 Motivation and the learner

3.3.1 Psychological factors

3.3.2 Social and culture factors

4. The Main Features of New College English

4.1 The framework of New College English

4.2 The employment of the basic principles of both the Communicative Approach and the Cognitive Approach

4.3 Learner-Centered Topic-Based organization with central concern for the students' needs

4.4 The four skills trained spontaneously and in an integrative way

4.5 The combination of text-based and life-based speaking

4.6 The combination of intensive and extensive reading

4.7 The combination of intensive and extensive listening

4.8 Topic-based composition

5. Effective Teaching Strategies

5.1 Changing the roles of the teacher

5.1.1 The teacher as an organizer

5.1.2 The teacher as a participant

5.1.3 The teacher as a prompter

5.1.4 The teacher as a resource

5.1.5 The teacher as a counselor

5.2 Teaching strategies in the four skills

5.2.1 Teaching strategies in listening

5.2.2 Teaching strategies in speaking

5.2.3 Teaching strategies in reading

5.2.4 Teaching strategies in writing

6. Conclusion




多年来,人们已普遍认为外语教学的最终目标是使学生获得外语交际能力;并一直在寻求一套行之有效的教学方法来培养学生的交际能力.然而,以语言知识传授,以教师为中心的传统教学模式过分强调语言知识的掌握而忽略了语言交际能力的培养,而交际能力的培养则正是外语教学的最终目标.显而易见,强调以语法为中心的教学大纲将交际能力的培养作为副产品.教材在很大程度上决定着大学英语的教学方法模式.以语言知识传授为中心的结构主义教材势必造成满堂灌的教学模式.因此,要改革教学方法必须是先要改革教材体系. 自20世纪40年代以来,国内外关于如何实施有效外语教学的理论层出不穷,大学英语教学的理论与实践取得了长足的进步.近十几年来,大学英语教学的中心由以教师为中心、语言知识传授为中心的教学模式转向以学生为中心、交际为核心的教学模式的声浪日高,然而以语言知识为中心的结构主义教材很难改变灌输式课堂教学模式.因此,当务之急是改革现有的大学英语教材及其体例.改革应以交际法为基本进路,以培养学生的交际能力为中心.从而满足信息社会、高科技时代以及21世纪社会对专业人才外语的需求.大学英语教师应摒弃传统的教学模式,更新教学观点,转变职能,最大限度地调动学生的积极性及潜能,使他们既掌握语言知识又具有在社会环境中运用语言交流信息的能力.教学应坚持以学生为中心的双向多维交流的教学模式. 该文依据当代外语教学的相关理论,探讨浙江大学编写的《新编大学英语》的主要特点.《新编大学英语》主要特点之一是体现了以学生为中心的教学理念.外语学习的首要任务是学生的



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