
Lean System Integration at Hewlett-Packard


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Discover how HP is applying Lean principles to drive the integration of large systems, resulting in both higher quality and higher productivity. In the HP printer business, Lean integration is 1. making complex programs easier to manage by providing visibility into what the product can and cannot do at any point in the development 2. improving the customer's experience by making customer workflows functional and visible early and often throughout the lifecycle 3. reducing cost by driving synchronization of delivery across technology components This paper provides an introduction to the methods known as Lean Software and Systems Development. Lean is able to handle situations which are difficult to handle using the most commonly known agile methods, such as large, complex, and partially waterfall systems, by applying methods deriving from queuing theory and statistics. Lean methods are demonstrated in this paper with examples and results from actual projects in the HP Inkjet and LaserJet businesses.
机译:了解惠普如何应用精益原则来推动大型系统的集成,从而实现更高的质量和更高的生产率。在HP打印机业务中,精益集成是1.通过提供对产品在开发中任何时候可以做什么和不能做什么的可见性,使复杂的程序更易于管理。2.通过使客户工作流正常运行并经常可见来改善客户体验。在整个生命周期中3.通过推动跨技术组件的交付同步来降低成本本文介绍了称为“精益软件和系统开发”的方法。精益能够通过运用从排队论和统计中得出的方法来处理使用最常见的敏捷方法(例如大型,复杂和部分瀑布式系统)难以处理的情况。本文通过实例和HP Inkjet和LaserJet业务中实际项目的结果展示了精益方法。



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