首页> 外文会议>Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing VI >Spectral karyotyping (SKY) analysis of heritable effects of radiation-induced malignant transformation

Spectral karyotyping (SKY) analysis of heritable effects of radiation-induced malignant transformation


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Abstract: Radiocarcinogenesis is widely recognized as occupational, environmental and therapeutical hazard, but the underlying mechanisms and cellular targets have not yet been identified. We applied SKY to study chromosomal rearrangements leading to malignant transformation of irradiated thyroid epithelial cells. SKY is a recently developed technique to detect translocations involving non-homologous based on unique staining of all 24 human chromosomes by hybridization with a mixture of whole chromosome painting probes. A tuneable interferometer mounted on a fluorescence microscope in front of a CCD camera allows to record the 400 nm - 1000 nm fluorescence spectrum for each pixel in the image. After background correction, spectra recorded for each pixel are compared to reference spectra stored previously for each chromosome-specific probe. Thus, pixel spectra can be associated with specific chromosomes and displayed in 'classification' colors, which are defined so that even small translocations become readily discernible. SKY analysis was performed on several radiation-transformed cell lines. Line S48T was generated from a primary tumor of a child exposed to elevated levels of radiation following the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Subclones were generated from the human thyroid epithelial cell line (HTori-3) by exposure to gamma or alpha irradiation. SKY analysis revealed multiple translocations and, combined with G-banding, allowed the definition of targets for positional cloning of tumor related genes. !16
机译:【摘要】放射致癌作用是公认的职业,环境和治疗危害,但其潜在机制和细胞靶点尚未确定。我们应用SKY来研究染色体重排,导致辐射的甲状腺上皮细胞发生恶性转化。 SKY是最近开发的一种技术,可通过与全部染色体绘画探针的混合物杂交,基于所有24条人类染色体的唯一染色来检测涉及非同源的易位。安装在CCD相机前面的荧光显微镜上的可调谐干涉仪可以记录图像中每个像素的400 nm-1000 nm荧光光谱。经过背景校正后,将为每个像素记录的光谱与先前为每个染色体特定探针存储的参考光谱进行比较。因此,像素光谱可以与特定的染色体相关联,并以“分类”颜色显示,这些颜色被定义为即使很小的易位也变得容易辨别。对几种经辐射转化的细胞系进行了SKY分析。切尔诺贝利核事故后,S48T线是由一名儿童的原发肿瘤产生的,该儿童暴露于高水平的辐射中。通过暴露于γ或α辐射从人甲状腺上皮细胞系(HTori-3)产生亚克隆。 SKY分析揭示了多种易位,并与G波段结合,可以确定肿瘤相关基因位置克隆的靶标。 !16



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