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Research on the distribution characteristics of secondary geological disasters induced by 5.12 earthquake in Wenchuan county based on RS and GIS


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Field observation, remote sensing combined with GIS technique were adopted to analysis the spatial distribution characteristics of secondary geological disasters induced by Wenchuan earthquake. The study results show that: (1) The earthquake-damaged slash mostly distributed in the two sides of main fault zones, earthquake-affected areas and disaster density decreased with the increase of distance from the main fault. (2) The earthquake-damaged slash mostly distributed in seismic intensity of IX and above. The region with greater seismic intensity had larger disaster density. Collapse and landslide distributed in high seismic intensity zone. (3) Hard rocks were easily caused secondary geological disasters by seismic waves. (4) The earthquake damaged slash mostly distributed within 0.5 km away from the river and decreased with the increase of distance from river. Collapse and landslide often appear at valley and the steep slope which more than 40 degree. The biggest hazard density appeared at altitude between 2000 m and 2500 m.
机译:通过野外观察,遥感结合GIS技术,对汶川地震诱发的二次地质灾害的空间分布特征进行了分析。研究结果表明:(1)地震破坏坡道主要分布在主要断裂带的两侧,受地震影响的地区和灾害密度随着与主要断裂带距离的增加而减小。 (2)受地震破坏的坡道主要分布在IX级及以上的地震烈度中。地震烈度较高的地区灾害密度较大。塌方和滑坡分布在高地震烈度区。 (3)硬岩很容易因地震波引起二次地质灾害。 (4)地震破坏的陡坡大部分分布在距河0.5 km的范围内,并随着距河距离的增加而减小。塌方和滑坡经常出现在山谷和超过40度的陡坡上。最大危害密度出现在海拔2000 m至2500 m之间。



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