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WSMO-Lite Annotations for Web Services

机译:WSMO-Lite Web服务注释

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Current efforts in Semantic Web Services do not sufficiently address the industrial developments of SOA technology in regards to bottom-up modeling of services, that is, building incremental layers on top of existing service descriptions. An important step in this direction has been made in the W3C by the SAWSDL WG proposing a framework for annotating WSDL services with arbitrary semantic descriptions. We build on the SAWSDL layer and define WSMO-Lite service ontology, narrowing down the use of SAWSDL as an annotation mechanism for WSMO-Lite. Ultimately, our goal is to allow incremental steps on top of existing service descriptions, enhancing existing SOA capabilities with intelligent and automated integration.
机译:语义Web服务方面的当前努力不足以解决服务自下而上建模方面的SOA技术的工业发展,也就是说,在现有服务描述之上构建增量层。 SAWSDL WG在W3C中朝着这个方向迈出了重要的一步,该工作组提出了使用任意语义描述来注释WSDL服务的框架。我们在SAWSDL层上构建并定义WSMO-Lite服务本体,从而缩小了将SAWSDL用作WSMO-Lite注释机制的范围。最终,我们的目标是允许在现有服务描述的基础上增加步骤,并通过智能和自动化集成来增强现有SOA功能。



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