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Up-Stream and Down-Stream Quality in Enterprise Modeling Practice - Supporting Model Driven Continuous Improvement in Organizations


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The paper identifies and discusses what is considered to be the three most critical points, both up-stream and down-stream to Enterprise Modeling, for ensuring the usefulness and use of EM results in the continuous improvement of organizations. The model type that is targeted in the cases discussed in the paper is the process model, but other related model types, e.g. goal models and concepts models are also addressed in relation to process models. The points addressed in the paper are: 1) Trigger handling - acting on symptoms or the root cause problem, 2) critical aspects during modeling, and 3) establishing mechanisms for continuous model based business process improvement.
机译:本文确定并讨论了什么是企业建模上游和下游三个最关键的点,以确保EM结果在组织的持续改进中的有效性和使用。本文讨论的案例所针对的模型类型是流程模型,但其他相关模型类型(例如:目标模型和概念模型也与过程模型相关。本文解决的问题是:1)触发处理-对症状或根本原因问题采取行动; 2)建模期间的关键方面; 3)建立基于连续模型的业务流程改进机制。



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