首页> 外文会议>Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XII >McLiflet: Multiple Cameras for Light Field Live with Thousands of Lenslets

McLiflet: Multiple Cameras for Light Field Live with Thousands of Lenslets


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We have proposed a 3D live video system named LIFLET which stands for Light Field Live with Thousands of Lenslets. It is a computer graphics system based on the optical system of integral photography. It captures a dynamic 3D scene with a camera through an array of lenslets and synthesizes arbitrary views of the scene in real time. Though synthetic views are highly photo-realistic, their quality is limited by the configuration of the optical system and the number of pixels of the camera. This limitation has not been well discussed in our prior works. The contributions of this paper are as follows. First, we introduce a theoretical analysis based on geometrical optics for formulating the upper limit of spatial frequency captured by the system. Second, we propose a system which uses a combination of an array of lenslets and multiple cameras based on that theoretical analysis. We call it McLiflet since it is a multiple-camera version of LIFLET. The proposed system significantly improves the quality of synthetic views compared with the prior version which uses only one camera. This result confirms our theoretical analysis.



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