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Accommodative load for stereoscopic displays


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In the present study, we examined the visual accommodation of subjects who were gazing fixedly at 3D images from two different displays: a cathode ray tube (CRT) while wearing special glasses and a liquid crystal display (LCD) while not wearing special glasses. The subjects were 3 people aged 20 years (2 people) and 36 years, all with normal vision. Visual function was tested using a custom-made apparatus (Nidek AR-1100). The instrument objectively measured visual accommodative changes of the right eye in both binocular and natural viewing conditions. The target shown to subjects moved away slowly and disappeared at a distance about 3 m from the eye. The results suggested that it was easy and comfortable to focus on both the LCD and CRT. When the subjects viewed the progressively receding target, their accommodation was about 0.8 D at the presumed furthest points, a level at which the ciliary muscle is relaxed. The accommodative power differed by about 1.5 D from the near to far point. Thus, the ciliary muscle is repeatedly strained and relaxed while the subject views the moving target. In the present study, the subjects' accommodative amplitude was changed when the target moved from the near to far point.
机译:在本研究中,我们检查了固定注视来自两个不同显示器的3D图像的对象的视觉适应性:戴着特殊眼镜的阴极射线管(CRT)和不戴着特殊眼镜的液晶显示器(LCD)。受试者为3名年龄分别为20岁(2人)和36岁的人,均具有正常视力。使用定制设备(Nidek AR-1100)测试了视觉功能。该仪器客观地测量了在双目和自然观察条件下右眼的视觉适应性变化。向对象显示的目标缓慢移动,并在距眼睛约3 m处消失。结果表明,同时关注LCD和CRT既容易又舒适。当受试者观察到逐渐退缩的目标时,他们在最远点(睫状肌松弛的水平)的适应度约为0.8D。从近点到远点,调节功率相差约1.5D。因此,在对象观看运动目标的同时,睫状肌被反复拉紧和放松。在本研究中,当目标从近点移动到远点时,受试者的调节幅度发生了变化。



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