
On Detectable Factorizations of Regular Graphs


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For a connected graph G of order n ≥ 3 and an ordered factorization F = {G_1, G_2,…, G_k] of G into k spanning subgraphs G_i (1 ≤ i ≤ k), the color code of a vertex v of G with respect to F is the ordered k-tuple code(v) = (a_1,a_2, …,a_k) where a_i, = deg_(G_i). v. If distinct vertices have distinct color codes, then the factorization F is called a detectable factorization of G; while the detection number det(G) of G is the minimum positive integer k for which G has a detectable factorization into k factors. We show that the detection number of every cubic graph of order at most 10 is 3. Various detectable factorizations of cubic graphs are studied. It is shown that there is a connected cubic graph of order 10 that possess all possible detectable factorizations with three factors. We also investigate the largest order of a connected regular graph with prescribed detection number.
机译:对于n≥3阶的连通图G和G的k阶分解因数F = {G_1,G_2,…,G_k]到k个跨越子图G_i(1≤i≤k),G的顶点v的颜色代码为对F而言,是有序的k元组代码(v)=(a_1,a_2,…,a_k),其中a_i,= deg_(G_i)。 v。如果不同的顶点具有不同的颜色代码,则因式分解F称为G的可检测因式分解; G的检测数det(G)是最小正整数k,对于该最小正整数k,G具有可检测的分解为k个因子。我们显示,每个阶数立方图的检测数最多为10。研究了立方图的各种可检测因子分解。结果表明,存在一个10阶连通立方图,该图具有三个可能的所有可能的可检测分解。我们还将研究具有规定检测数的连通正则图的最大阶数。



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