首页> 外文会议>Society of Plastics Engineers(SPE) Regional Technical Conferences; 20031012-20031014; Atlanta,GA; US >TEST OF AN INSTRUMENTAL IMPLEMENTATION OF AN EDGE-LOSS ERROR CORRECTION SYSTEM



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Reflectance measurement data for plastics and other translucent materials (e.g. paper) can be in error due to the lateral diffusion of light within the sample. Illuminating light from the measuring instrument can laterally diffuse to sample areas outside of the area which is viewed by instrument photometric measuring system. Figure 1 illustrates an idealized representation of a 45/0 measuring system in which some of the illuminating light laterally diffuses to areas which are outside the view of the measuring detector. This results in a type of measurement error which the author has characterized as lateral diffusion error (LDE) to note the physical process which causes the error. Elsewhere in the literature it has been described as translucent blurring error, translucency error, edge loss error, and stray darkness. While the example in figure 1 shows a 45/0 measurement configuration, LDE can occur with all measurement configurations (e.g. 0/45, d/8, etc. ). It is caused by the instrument illuminating light diffusing lateral within the sample. Lateral diffusion is present in all non-metallic samples to some extent. A common solution for minimizing LDE is to make the area viewed by the detector larger than the area illuminated by the light source. Thus, in the case of the idealized instrument configuration of figure 1, doubling the area viewed by the detector would allow all of the light reflected directly from the illuminated area and the light that was laterally diffused and emerged from the unilluminated surface to be viewed by the detector. An alternative is to leave the area viewed by the detector untouched and to double the area illuminated by the light source. While this may not intuitively seem equivalent to increasing the area viewed while holding the area illuminated constant, optical reciprocity, as defined by Clark and Perry, indicates that this method should give equivalent error reduction. The exact amount of over-viewing or over-illumination area required to minimize LDE is very dependent on the translucency of the sample being measured. This explains, in part, why instruments used for measuring plastics are general not useful for measuring graphic arts products and vise-versa. Also, ideally all areas of the sample illuminated and viewed should have the same surface and color characteristics. This can present a problem in the color control of graphic arts printing where color control strips are included and take up otherwise marketable product space. As a result, the elements of these color strips are kept very small to minimize unmarketable content. This limits the size and amount of over-illumination or over viewing that can be used to minimize LDE.
机译:塑料和其他半透明材料(例如纸张)的反射率测量数据可能会由于样品中光线的横向扩散而产生误差。来自测量仪器的照明光可横向扩散到该区域以外的样品区域,该区域可通过仪器光度测量系统查看。图1示出了45/0测量系统的理想化表示,其中一些照明光横向地扩散到测量检测器视野之外的区域。这导致了一种测量误差,作者将其表征为横向扩散误差(LDE),以记录引起误差的物理过程。在文献的其他地方,它被描述为半透明的模糊误差,半透明误差,边缘损失误差和杂散黑暗。尽管图1中的示例显示了45/0的测量配置,但LDE可能会出现在所有测量配置中(例如0/45,d / 8等)。这是由于仪器照明的光在样品中横向扩散造成的。横向扩散在某种程度上存在于所有非金属样品中。使LDE最小化的常见解决方案是使检测器看到的区域大于光源照射的区域。因此,在图1的理想仪器配置的情况下,将检测器看到的面积加倍,将允许通过照明区域直接反射的所有光以及从未照明表面横向扩散和出射的光被观察到。检测器。另一种选择是使检测器所观察的区域保持不变,并使光源照亮的区域增加一倍。尽管从直觉上看,这并不等于在保持恒定的照明面积的同时增加查看区域,但由Clark和Perry定义的光学互易性表明,该方法应可等效减少误差。最小化LDE所需的准确的过度观察或过度照明区域的数量在很大程度上取决于被测样品的半透明性。这部分地解释了为什么用于测量塑料的仪器通常不适用于测量美术产品,反之亦然。同样,理想情况下,照明和观察的样品的所有区域都应具有相同的表面和颜色特征。这会在图形艺术的色彩控制中出现问题,其中包括色彩控制条并占据原本可销售的产品空间。结果,这些色带的元素保持非常小,以最大程度地减少不可销售的内容。这限制了可用于最小化LDE的过度照明或过度观看的大小和数量。



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