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Effect of silvicultural management on the basic properties of bamboo


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Bambusa blumeana (kawayan tinik) and Dendrocalamus asper (giant bamboo) culms (poles) from plantations established for 9 and 15 years before silvicultural treatment, respectively, were harvested and assessed after several years of management. The B. blumeana trial involved 13 silvicultural treatment combinations, i.e. irrigation, fertiliser, muleh, organic matter and number of culms retained. All practices except irrigation were also applied to D. asper in 10 combinations.rnThe basic properties-physical, mechanical, anatomical and chemical-of the two species were evaluated. These properties could serve as a guide in the selection of plantation management practices that could enhance the efficiency and promote the use of bamboo culms.rnThe culm wall thickness and diameter of treated culms were higher than untreated ones although not significantly in all of the treatments. The effects of treatment on the basic properties of culms were not consistent; either significantly lower, higher or similar to the control. Silvicultural treatments, therefore, did not markedly influence the basic properties of culms. Greater differences were evident between species, although that effect was confounded with production sites.rnThe best treatments for farmers to adopt to regenerate old bamboo clumps for sustainable and quality culms are recommended. For B. blumeana, this includes cleaning the base of the culms, applying mulch, organic matter and fertiliser and maintaining four 1 -year-old, four 2-year-old, four 3-year-old and four 4-year-old culms (4-4-4-4 standing culm density; in total 16 culms). For D. asper, the recommended treatment includes applying fertiliser but no mulch, and retaining six 1- and 2-year-old culms (6-6 standing culm density). There was little difference in the basic properties between D. asper culms that were nearly 2 years old at harvest and those that were 3 years old.
机译:在进行了数年的管理之后,分别收获了分别种植了9年和15年的人工林的Bambusa blumeana(kawayan tinik)和Dendrocalamus asper(巨型竹)茎(杆)。 B. blumeana的试验涉及13种造林处理组合,即灌溉,肥料,肥料,有机质和保留的茎数。除灌溉外,所有其他方法均以10种组合应用于D. asper。评估了这两个物种的基本特性-物理,机械,解剖和化学特性。这些特性可以作为选择人工林管理方法的指南,以提高效率和促进竹竿的使用。rn尽管经过处理的所有茎秆的壁厚和直径均未经过处理,但其厚度和直径均高于未处理的竹竿。处理对茎的基本特性的影响不一致。显着低于或高于对照。因此,营林处理对茎秆的基本特性没有明显的影响。尽管这种影响与生产地点相混淆,但物种之间存在更大的差异。建议农民采用最佳处理方法来再生旧竹块,以实现可持续和优质的茎秆。对于B. blumeana,这包括清洁茎的基部,施用覆盖物,有机物质和肥料,并维持4个1岁,4个2岁,4个3岁和4个4岁茎(4-4-4-4常设茎密度;总计16茎)。对于D. asper,建议的处理方法包括施肥但不覆盖,并保留6株1岁和2岁的小茎(6-6株直立的茎密度)。在收获时接近2年的D. asper茎和3年的D. asper茎的基本特性几乎没有差异。



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