首页> 外文会议>International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium;ISDRS '09 >Surface plasmon polariton enhanced fluorescence from quantum dots on nanostructured metal surfaces

Surface plasmon polariton enhanced fluorescence from quantum dots on nanostructured metal surfaces




Over the course of the past decade surface plasmon polaritons (SPP's) have garnered increasing attention in the scientific community. These are surface wave solutions to Maxwell's Equations at the boundary between semi-infinite dielectric and metallic regions. They are localized and propagate in the plane of the interface and are characterized by strongly enhanced fields near the boundary, which decay exponentially away from the surface. Field enhancement near the boundary plays a critical role in surface enhanced effects with enhancements reaching up to 100 times or greater compared to propagating waves in either medium. Because of this strong local field enhancement, structures and surfaces supporting SPPs are capable of significant enhancements of optical effects taking place in the vicinity of the boundary. It is well known that the presence of a metal surface in close proximity to a fluorophore can significantly modify its emission. This modification has been attributed to several factors and depends strongly on the distance separating the fluorophore and metal. For large separations particle emission is not affected and approaches a steady state value representing the fluorophore emitting in the absence of any boundary. As the separation is decreased, nonradiative relaxation of the excited fluorophore occurs as energy is coupled into surface plasmons (SPPs or localized plasmons) on the surface of the metal. For very small separations, quenching of emission is well known and is attributed to damping of dipole oscillators and coupling of energy into evanescent waves at the surface of the metal. While coupling to surface plasmons is viewed as an undesirable loss mechanism for experiments that rely on emission from fluorophores, the interaction of surface plasmons with fluorophores may be used to modify and enhance their utility. Coupling of excited fluorophores into surface plasmons is well known to occur for intermediate metal-particle separations. This effect-n is the basis for surface plasmon coupled emission (SPCE) which takes advantage of coupling between excited emitters and surface plasmons to excite surface plasmons that are then scattered into photons and detected. Conversely, by placing emitters in close proximity to surface plasmon supporting substrates it is also possible to increase their emission by taking advantage of localized high surface fields.



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