
Object-Oriented Reconfiguration




As embedded systems are getting more complex, they are also presenting more stringent constraints like performance, power consumption, memory footprint and so on. At the same time, because of market pressures, their development time must be constantly reduced. The employment of object orientation would solve the design cycle problem. However, OO languages like Java or C++ are not targeted to any of the embedded systems constraints stated before. Based on all these facts, this work focuses on providing the high OO abstraction, while maintaining embedded systems perspective. The methodology consists in the execution of selected objects in a reconfigurable hardware, which solves the overhead problems. This way, with efficient execution of certain intensively used objects in the reconfigurable array, we show performance improvements of up to 47 % and savings of 37 % in energy consumption, still taking advantage of the well known benefits of an object-oriented language. For our experiments we used a native Java processor, together with a complete MP3 player, representing a complex embedded system benchmark.
机译:随着嵌入式系统变得越来越复杂,它们也呈现出更加严格的约束条件,例如性能,功耗,内存占用量等。同时,由于市场压力,它们的开发时间必须不断减少。采用面向对象将解决设计周期问题。但是,诸如Java或C ++之类的OO语言并不针对之前所述的任何嵌入式系统约束。基于所有这些事实,这项工作着重于提供高OO抽象度,同时保持嵌入式系统的前景。该方法包括在可重新配置的硬件中执行所选对象,从而解决了开销问题。这样,通过在可重配置阵列中高效执行某些密集使用的对象,我们仍然可以利用面向对象语言的众所周知的优势,将性能提高多达47%,并节省了37%的能耗。对于我们的实验,我们使用了本机Java处理器以及完整的MP3播放器,代表了复杂的嵌入式系统基准。



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