首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the ASME international mechanical engineering congress and exposition 2009 >COMPUTER MODELING OF FLUID-STRESS-INDUCED BLOOD DAMAGE IN A MECHANICAL VENTRICULAR ASSIST DEVICE



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Congestive heart failure results the heart is unable to pump the required amount of blood to maintain the systemic circulation. World-wide, millions of patients are diagnosed with congestive heart failure every year, many of which ultimately become candidates for heart transplants. The limited number of available donor hearts, however, has resulted in a tremendous demand for alternative, supplemental circulatory support in the form of artificial heart pumps to serve as a "Bridge-to-Transplant".rnThe prospect of artificial heart pumps used for long-term support of congestive heart failure patients is directly dependent upon excellent blood compatibility. High fluid stress levels may arise due to high rotational speeds and narrow clearances between the stationary and rotating parts of the pump. Thus, fluid stress may result in damage to red blood cells and activation of platelets, contributing to thrombus formation. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate levels of blood trauma for successful design of a mechanical Ventricular Assist Device. Estimating the fluid stress levels that occur in a blood pump during the design phase also provides valuable information for optimization considerations.rnThis study describes the CFD evaluation of blood damage in a magnetically suspended axial pump that occurs due to fluid stress. Using CFD, a blood damage index, reflecting the percentage of damaged red blood cells, was numerically estimated based on the scalar fluid stress values and exposure time to such stresses. A number of particles, with no mass and reactive properties, was injected at the inflow of the computational domain and traveled along their correspondingrnstreamlines. A Lagrangian particle tracking technique was employed to obtain the stress history of each particle along its streamline, making it possible to consider the damage history of each particle. Maximum scalar stresses of approximately 430 Pa were estimated to occur along the tip surface of the impeller blades, more precisely at the leading edge of the impeller blades. The maximum time required for the vast majority of particles to pass through the pump was approximately 0.085sec. A small number of particles (approximately 5%), which traveled through the narrow gap between the stationary and rotating part of the pump, exited the computational domain in approximately 0.2 sec. The mean value of blood damage index was found to be 0.15% with a maximum value of approximately 0.47%. These values are one order of magnitude lower than the approximated damage indices published in the literature for other Ventricular Assist Devices. The low blood damage index indicates that red blood cells traveling along the streamlines considered are not likely to be ruptured, mainly due to the very small time of exposure to high stress.
机译:充血性心力衰竭导致心脏无法泵送所需量的血液以维持全身循环。全世界每年有数百万的患者被诊断患有充血性心力衰竭,其中许多最终成为了心脏移植的候选人。然而,可用的供体心脏数量有限,导致对替代性补充循环支持的巨大需求,以人工心脏泵的形式用作“桥到移植”。rn长期使用人工心脏泵的前景充血性心力衰竭患者的长期支持直接取决于良好的血液相容性。由于较高的转速以及泵的固定部分和旋转部分之间的间隙较小,可能会产生较高的流体应力水平。因此,流体压力可能导致对红细胞的损害和血小板的活化,从而导致血栓的形成。因此,为成功设计机械性心室辅助设备,评估血液创伤水平至关重要。估计设计阶段在血泵中发生的流体应力水平也为优化考虑提供了有价值的信息。本研究描述了CFD对由于流体应力而发生的磁悬浮轴向泵中血液损伤的评估。使用CFD,基于标量流体应力值和暴露于此类应力的时间,在数值上反映反映受损红细胞百分比的血液损伤指数。在计算域的入口处注入了许多没有质量和反应性的粒子,并沿着它们相应的流线行进。拉格朗日粒子跟踪技术用于获得沿流线方向的每个粒子的应力历史记录,从而可以考虑每个粒子的损坏历史记录。估计大约在430 Pa的最大标量应力会沿着叶轮叶片的尖端表面发生,更确切地说是在叶轮叶片的前缘。绝大多数颗粒通过泵所需的最大时间约为0.085秒。穿过泵的固定部分和旋转部分之间的狭窄间隙的少量颗粒(大约5%)在大约0.2秒内离开了计算域。发现血液损害指数的平均值为0.15%,最大值为约0.47%。这些值比其他心室辅助设备的文献中公布的近似损伤指数低一个数量级。低的血液损伤指数表明,沿着所考虑的流线移动的红细胞不太可能破裂,这主要是由于暴露于高压力下的时间非常短。



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