
Uniform access to Internet directory services


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As networks and internetworks of computers expand in size and scope, discovery and location of resources becomes a primary function of the networked computing environment. Static tables describing network resources have been replaced by dynamic directory services, such as X.500 and the Internet Domain Name System. These dynamic directory services provide more timely and accurate information about network resources than static tables.


A wide variety of services address various components of the resource discovery and location problem. These services can be loosely classified as either low-level protocols or high-level services. Low-level protocols, such as RARP and ICMP, are simple delivery protocols and provide limited information; high-level services, such as the Internet Domain Name System and X.500, use complex delivery protocols to answer complex queries. Neither class of directory service is appropriate in all situations. Low-level services are too restrictive in the type of queriesand information they support, while high-level services may be too expensive for some low-function networks.

机译:随着计算机的网络和互联网络规模和范围的扩大,资源的发现和位置成为网络计算环境的主要功能。描述网络资源的静态表已由动态目录服务(例如X.500和Internet域名系统)代替。这些动态目录服务比静态表提供有关网络资源的更及时,准确的信息。 rn

各种各样的服务解决了资源发现和位置问题的各个组成部分。这些服务可以大致分为低层协议或高层服务。低级协议(例如RARP和ICMP)是简单的传递协议,并且提供的信息有限。 Internet域名系统和X.500等高级服务使用复杂的传递协议来回答复杂的查询。这两种目录服务都不适合所有情况。低级服务对其支持的查询和信息的类型限制太大,而高级服务对于某些低功能网络而言可能过于昂贵。



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