首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 6th CCTCNM-KSP-JSP joint symposium on pharmacognosy >Simultaneous determination of resibufogenin and its major metabolite 3-epi-resibufogenin in rat plasma by HPLC coupled with tandem mass spectrometry

Simultaneous determination of resibufogenin and its major metabolite 3-epi-resibufogenin in rat plasma by HPLC coupled with tandem mass spectrometry


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ChanSu, also called toad venom, is one of important traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) originated from the skin secretions of Bufo bufo gargarizans Cantor and B. melsanostictus Schneider [1-2]. Resibufogenin (RBG) was a major bufadienolide with the content of 1-6% in Chansu. And it had strong cytotoxic activities against human myeloid leukemia, prostate cancer and human hepatoma cells with 1C5O values of 1-10 nmol/L[3-5]. However, as a cardioactive steroid with a-pyrone ring, RBG can adversely affect the myocardium to produce the most life-threatening toxicity includes ventricular ectopy and hyperkalemia with a narrow therapeutic index [6-7], So it is necessary to investigate the pharmacokinetic behaviors of RBG and its metabolites in vivo to define the pharmacokinetic and safety profiles, and establish optimal doses for maximal efficacy as preclinical and clinical trials.
机译:ChanSu,也称为蟾蜍毒液,是重要的中药(TCM)之一,起源于Butor garfoizans Cantor和B. melsanostictus Schneider [1-2]的皮肤分泌物。脂联素(RBG)是主要的丁二烯内酯,含量为1-6%。对人骨髓白血病,前列腺癌和人肝癌细胞具有很强的细胞毒活性,其1C5O值为1-10 nmol / L [3-5]。然而,RBG作为具有a-吡喃酮环的心脏活性类固醇,可对心肌产生不利影响,产生最大的危及生命的毒性,包括室性失常和高钾血症,治疗指数狭窄[6-7],因此有必要研究药代动力学RBG及其代谢产物在体内的行为,以定义药代动力学和安全性概况,并为临床前和临床试验确定最大剂量的最佳剂量。



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