首页> 外文会议>North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission bulletin >Influence of Salmon Abundance and Ocean Conditions on Body Size of Pacific Salmon

Influence of Salmon Abundance and Ocean Conditions on Body Size of Pacific Salmon


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After the North Pacific ocean climate change in 1976-77, most species of Pacific salmon (Oncorhyn-chus spp.) in North America and Asia increased in abundance and declined in body size up until the early 1990s. Several authors attributed this decline in body size of chum salmon (O. keta) to increasing population density of chum salmon in the ocean. In the mid-1990s, the body size of adult chum salmon increased in several streams in North America in spite of high population numbers. To determine if these increases in body size were restricted to local areas or more widespread geographically in North America, we examined data on the abundance and mean body size of salmon from commercial catches in waters from northern Alaska south to the state of Oregon among three time periods (1960-76,1977-94,1995-2006). Trends in body size indicate that northern and southern populations of chum, pink, and sockeye, and coho in Washington and Oregon experienced increased body size in the mid-1990s. In correlation analyses, chum, pink (O. gorbuscha), and sockeye salmon (O. nerka) body size was, in many cases, negatively related to abundance, and more negatively correlated during the 1977-94 period. For the 1960-76 period, the abundance of Pacific salmon was low, and the effect of density-dependence on the fish was the lowest. For the 1977-94 period, salmon were numerous and the effect of density on the body size of salmon was significant in many cases. For the 1995-2006 period, the abundance of salmon remained high, however, the body size of the salmon was not commonly related to population density. The 1995-2006 period appears most favorable for salmon, in that ocean resources supported salmon of large body size and large population numbers. We conclude that the carrying capacity of the North Pacific Ocean for producing Pacific salmon is not a constant value and varies with changing environmental and biological factors.
机译:在1976-77年北太平洋气候变化之后,直到1990年代初,北美和亚洲的大多数太平洋鲑鱼(Oncorhyn-chus spp。)种类都大量增加,体型减小。几位作者将Chum鲑(O. keta)的体型下降归因于海洋中Chum鲑的种群密度增加。在1990年代中期,尽管人口众多,但成年鲑的体型在北美的一些溪流中仍在增加。为了确定这些体重增加是否仅限于北美地区或局部地区,我们调查了阿拉斯加北部南部至俄勒冈州水域中商业性捕捞鲑鱼的丰度和平均体重数据时期(1960-76,1977-94,1995-2006)。体型趋势表明,在1990年代中期,华盛顿和俄勒冈州的南方和南部种群的密友,粉红色和大红眼以及银尾鸭的体型都有所增加。在相关分析中,在许多情况下,Chum,粉红色(O. gorbuscha)和红鲑鱼(O. nerka)的体形与丰度呈负相关,而在1977-94年期间呈负相关。在1960-76年期间,太平洋鲑鱼的丰度较低,密度依赖性对鱼类的影响最低。在1977-94年期间,鲑鱼数量众多,密度对鲑鱼体型的影响在​​很多情况下都非常明显。在1995年至2006年期间,鲑鱼的丰度仍然很高,但是鲑鱼的体型通常与种群密度无关。 1995-2006年期间似乎对鲑鱼最有利,因为海洋资源支持了大体型和大量种群的鲑鱼。我们得出的结论是,北太平洋生产太平洋鲑鱼的承载能力不是一个恒定值,并且会随着环境和生物因素的变化而变化。



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