首页> 外文会议>IEEE Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar >Professional Communication of a Historian in the Digital Society

Professional Communication of a Historian in the Digital Society




The article explores the transformation of professional communication of historians in the digital society. The methodological crisis of historical science, which has lasted for several decades, has recently been replaced by an explosion of interest in historical memory, intellectual history, and microhistory. The development of social media and the spread of crowdsourcing technologies have made it possible for a large number of Internet users to participate in historical research. Today, not only professional historians are the creators of historical content that forms historical memory, but also opinion leaders who use historical knowledge to influence the society. A historian begins to serve as the creator of communication links between academic historical science and the audience consuming historical content. Today, a historian is not only a researcher incorporated in the social networks of professional communities, but also a popularizer of historical knowledge, building communication in the digital environment. Digital society as a new social order and system of knowledge production not only provides convenient tools of knowledge, but also changes knowledge itself, the latter becomes digital and reflects digital modernity. Comprehending history in these conditions inevitably leads to the emergence of digital history. Thanks to the Internet, the Humanities have been enriched with new methods of knowledge, which has caused the development of various areas of digital Humanities, including digital history. Digital history involves not only the use of information and computer technologies in the study of the past, but also the history of digital society. We conclude that digital history has become a scientific discipline that creates a theory of digital society and changes the models of professional communication of history researchers.



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