首页> 外文会议>International Computer Conference, Computer Society of Iran >Spatio-Temporal 3D Action Recognition with Hierarchical Self-Attention Mechanism

Spatio-Temporal 3D Action Recognition with Hierarchical Self-Attention Mechanism




3D action recognition is a long-standing problem in the field of computer vision. Given the 3D coordinate set of body joints, it is desired to recognize what activity is performed. The problem can be approached using a time-series model. Recent advancements in the field of recurrent neural networks have enabled the use of sophisticated memory cells that can predict time series using the information from earlier elements of a sequence. In this article, we proposed a hierarchical architecture that attends to its own signature through time, which can put more weight on time frames of the sequence that are more specific to the performed action. Accordingly, using memory cells, a self-attention mechanism is implemented. In addition, spatial attention is also considered by sub-grouping and then regrouping body parts down the architecture hierarchy. We evaluate the proposed model on NTU and MSR 3D action datasets. An accuracy of 79.8% and 97.8% on NTU and MSR datasets indicated that the proposed method outperforms the previous methods tested in this paper.
机译:3D动作识别是计算机视野领域的长期问题。鉴于身体关节的3D坐标组,希望识别执行的活动。可以使用时间序列模型来接近问题。经常性神经网络领域的最新进步使得能够使用能够使用来自序列的早期元素的信息来预测时间序列的复杂存储器单元。在本文中,我们提出了一个分层体系结构,通过时间参加自己的签名,这可以在更具体到执行的动作的序列的时间框架上放置更多权重。因此,使用存储器单元,实现自我关注机制。此外,子分组还考虑了空间注意,然后将身体部位放在架构层次结构上。我们评估NTU和MSR 3D动作数据集的提出模型。在NTU和MSR数据集上的精度为79.8%和97.8%表示,所提出的方法优于本文测试的先前方法。



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