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Water Knows No Political Boundaries: Living with the Bay Resiliency Program




In response to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD's) Rebuild by Design (RBD) program awarded funding to New York State through the Living with the Bay (LWTB) proposal. To advance this proposal, New York State Governor's Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR) developed a Resiliency Strategy to identify a program of defined improvements across approximately 10,000 acres. GOSR developed a strategic sequence of activities created to guide the varying dynamic groups of stakeholders to consensus of a collection of prioritized projects aimed at the LWTB Goals. The Resiliency Strategy identifies and prioritizes interventions independently addressing problem areas and collectively improving the resiliency of the Mill River corridor while adhering to GOSR, HUD, and RBD requirements. The recommended projects provide the prioritized framework to reduce the risk and vulnerability of this area and its valuable assets and provide its residents a more resilient infrastructure and environment with an enhanced quality of life.
机译:为了应对桑迪飓风,房屋的美系和城市发展的的破坏(HUD的)通过与海湾(LWTB)提议的生活获得资金,以纽约州设计(RBD)计划重建。为了推进这一提案,风暴复苏的纽约州州长办公室(GOSR)开发的弹性策略跨约10000英亩识别的定义改进方案。 GOSR开发的创建,引导利益相关者的变动态组针对LWTB目标优先项目的集合的共识活动的战略顺序。弹性策略识别并优先干预独立解决问题的领域和共同提高磨房河走廊的弹性,同时秉承GOSR,HUD和RBD的要求。推荐的项目提供优先的框架,以减少这一领域及其宝贵资产的风险和脆弱性,并提供其居民更有弹性的基础设施和环境与生活的质量提高。



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