首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering >Studies on Iridovirus Infection among Grouper Fish (Epinephelus sp.) Cultured in Seribu Islands, Indonesia

Studies on Iridovirus Infection among Grouper Fish (Epinephelus sp.) Cultured in Seribu Islands, Indonesia

机译:石斑鱼鱼(Epinephelus SP中的Irovovirus感染的研究



Iridovirus infection has spread an outbreak in several islands of Indonesia. The cumulative mortality because of the disease sometimes reached 50 % to 90 % over two months. The disease often attacks the grouper marine cultures and it is difficult to eradicate. The study aimed to identify the virus based on clinical signs, co-agglutination test, molecular test, and histopathological changes. Number of 30 grouper fish from several marine cultures suffered from iridovirus infection with clinical signs, such as anorexia, mucoid and opaque faecal casting, and a darkened body was used as samples. Co-agglutination test was using in-house anti-iridovirus rabbit sera coupled to protein A of Staphylococcus aureus. Organs of infected fish, such as gill, spleen, liver, gonad, and eye that were tested by sero-diagnostic kit (own product) and also examined by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Primers used were a forward primer 5'-CTCAAACACTCTGGCTCATC-3', and a reverse primer 5'-GCACCAACACATCTCCTATC-3'. Histopathological changes of those organs were also examined. Positive iridovirus infection with the co-agglutination test was looked like a lump of sand, from those organs. Molecular analysis appeared the sharp band on 570 base pair from spleen, gonads, gill, and liver. The histopathological changes showed inflammation and some small-size inclusion body bearing cell of spleen, gonad, gill, and liver. Iridovirus is not only transmitted horizontally but also vertically through infected gonad.
机译:Iridovirus感染在印度尼西亚的几个岛屿中蔓延了爆发。由于该疾病的累积死亡率有时达到50%以上超过两个月。这种疾病经常攻击石斑鱼海洋培养物,难以消除。该研究旨在根据临床症状,共聚试验,分子试验和组织病理学变化来鉴定病毒。从患有尖锐病毒感染的几个海洋培养物中的30个石斑鱼数量,如厌食症,粘液和不透明的粪便铸件,以及变暗的身体被用作样品。共凝集试验使用内部的抗铱星兔血清偶联至金黄色葡萄球菌的蛋白质a。受感染的鱼的器官,如血清诊断试剂盒(自身产品)测试的鳃,脾,肝,Gonad和眼睛,并通过反转录酶聚合酶链反应检查。使用的引物是正向引物5'-ctcaaaacactctgctcatc-3',和反向引物5'-gcaccaacatctcctatc-3'。还检查了这些器官的组织病理学变化。阳性Iridovirus感染与共聚试验看起来像来自那些器官的一块沙子。分子分析出现在脾脏,水衣,鳃和肝脏570个碱基对上的尖锐带。组织病理学变化显示炎症和脾脏,性腺,鳃和肝脏的一些小尺寸包涵体轴承细胞。 Irovovirus不仅水平传播,而且通过感染的Gonad垂直传播。



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