首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications >Dynamic Systems Theory in Human Movement Exploring Coordination Patterns by Angle-Angle Diagrams Using Kinect

Dynamic Systems Theory in Human Movement Exploring Coordination Patterns by Angle-Angle Diagrams Using Kinect




Analyzing time series data using linear spatial/angular kinematics traditionally makes quantification of human movement using low-cost cameras such as the Kinect sensor. Through this conventional approach, interactions between body joints are difficult to analyze and coordination parameters remain hidden. Dynamic Systems Theory (DST) provides a non-linear framework to analyze human movement by representing intersegmental interactions in angle-angle diagrams. DST offers an accurate solution to study coordination in human movement, but it also requires expensive hardware and very specialized biomechanical software. The paper describes a methodological procedure to carry out DST analysis with motion data recorded from the Kinect sensor. Specifically, we address the issue to create and interpret angle-angle diagrams with an emphasis on exploring coordination patterns in motion capture (MoCap) signals. We introduced a method to facilitate the DST analysis and we applied it with two different use cases of human movement analysis in real scenarios: sports gesture study and motion analysis in physical rehabilitation interventions. Results showed that important coordination parameters could be deduced from the angle-angle diagrams improving the understanding of motion data when two joints have to be considered. Therefore, we demonstrated that DST analysis could be performed with inexpensive tools providing a promissory approach for coordination and motor synchronization analysis in novel serious games for health.
机译:分析使用线性空间/角运动传统上使人体运动的量化使用低成本的相机,如Kinect传感器的时间序列数据。通过这种传统的方法,身体关节之间的相互作用是难以分析和协调参数留下隐患。动态系统理论(DST)提供了一个非线性框架由表示在角角度的图段间的相互作用来分析人体运动。 DST提供了人体运动的精确的解决方案,以研究协调,但它也需要昂贵的硬件和非常专业的生物力学软件。本文描述了一种方法的程序,以执行与来自Kinect传感器记录的运动数据DST分析。具体来说,我们解决该问题与对探索运动捕捉(动作捕捉)信号协调图案的强调创建和解释角角度的图。我们推出了便于DST分析的方法,我们在现实场景中人体运动分析的两种不同的使用情况下适用的:物理康复治疗运动姿态的学习和运动分析。结果表明,重要的协调参数可以从角度角度示提高运动数据的理解当两个接头必须考虑推导出。因此,我们证明了DST的分析可以用廉价的工具,提供了在新的严肃游戏对健康的协调和电动机同步分析本票的方式进行。



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