
The LINC-NIRVANA patrol camera




LINC-NIRVANA is the IR Fizeau interferometric imager of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona. Here we describe in particular the design, realization and preliminary tests of the so-called Patrol Camera. It can image (in the range 600-900 nm) the same 2 arcmin FoV seen by the Medium-High-Wavefront Sensor (MHWS), adequately sampled to provide the MHWS star enlargers with the positions of the FoV stars with an accuracy of 0.1 arcsec. To this aim a diffraction-limited performance is not required, while a distortion free focal plane is needed to provide a suitable astrometric output. Two identical systems will be realized, one for each single arm, which corresponds to each single telescope. We give here the details concerning the optical and mechanical design, as well as the CCD and the control system. The interfaces with LINC-NIRVANA are also presented both in terms of matching the carbon fiber optical bench and developing of suitable software procedures. Since the major components have been already gathered, the laboratory tests and the integration are currently in progress.


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