首页> 外文会议>Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference >Successful Excavation of Mexico City's Emisor Poniente II Wastewater Tunnel-Use of a Dual-Mode, Crossover TBM in Challenging Geology

Successful Excavation of Mexico City's Emisor Poniente II Wastewater Tunnel-Use of a Dual-Mode, Crossover TBM in Challenging Geology

机译:成功的挖掘墨西哥城的Emisor Poniente II废水隧道使用双模,交叉TBM在挑战地质中



In July 2015, the launch of a dual mode, Crossover type TBM marked the start of Mexico City's next challenging wastewater project: the Tunel Emisor Poniente (TEP II). The 5.5 km long tunnel travels below a mountain at depths of 170 m as well as a section just 8 m below residential buildings, and the geology is equally varied. Ground consists of andesite and dacite with bands of tuff and fault zones, as well as a section of soft ground at the tunnel terminus.This paper will detail the unique 8.7 m diameter Crossover TBM designed for the challenging conditions, and the successful excavation of the machine through fault zones, soft ground, and more. Strategies for excavation and advance rates, and downtimes will be analyzed. As the machine can be converted from hard rock mode to EPB mode in the tunnel, the authors will also look at the conversion process and how both modes worked to excavate in widely varying geological conditions.
机译:2015年7月,发射双重模式,交叉类型TBM标志着墨西哥城的下一个具有挑战性的废水项目的开始:Tunel Emisor Poniente(TEP II)。 5.5公里的长隧道在山上的深度下行驶170米,以及住宅建筑物下方只有8米,地质同样多样化。地面由凝灰岩和断层区域带的安塞特和笨蛋,以及隧道终端的软土地带。本文将详细介绍挑战条件的独特8.7米直径交叉TBM,以及成功的挖掘机器通过断层区域,软接地等。将分析挖掘和提前率的策略以及将进行下降时间。由于机器可以从硬岩模式转换为隧道中的EPB模式,作者还将研究转换过程以及两种模式如何在广泛不同的地质条件下挖掘。



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