
Dynamic Model of Economic Development with Scarce Resources.




In the past there has been a lot of research on the topic of economic growth and environment. Scarce natural resources and our choices to protect them or exploit make economic and environmental system jointly determined. In the systems sciences, economic environmental system dynamics models are widely used as a tool for representation of knowledge from Jhis area. It is followed, in many cases, by simulation, prediction and decision making. In this paper we describe economic model with the particular interest on relationship between income, pollution and non-renewable resources. The system dynamics approach is used in analyzing these complex relationships. The paper yields insight into the possibilities for replacing not renewable resources with more renewable ones. Next, the simulation runs of the model are conducted with the help of existing system dynamics modeling tools-Powersim® and Stella®. Simulated so far relationships between variables ought to undergo yet more cautious examination.
机译:在过去,对经济增长和环境的主题有很多研究。稀缺的自然资源和我们的选择来保护他们或利用使经济和环境制度共同确定。在系统科学中,经济环境系统动力学模型被广泛用作来自JHIS区域的知识的工具。在许多情况下,通过模拟,预测和决策。在本文中,我们描述了对收入,污染和不可再生资源之间的关系的特殊兴趣。系统动态方法用于分析这些复杂关系。本文介绍了更换不可再生资源的可能性,更可再生的可能性。接下来,在现有系统动态建模工具 - PowerSim&Reg的帮助下,进行模型的模拟运行;和斯特拉和雷;模拟到目前为止的变量关系应该更加谨慎检查。


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