
PM_(10) and PM_(2.5) Concentrations and Trends at Canadian Urban and Rural Sites




Despite the fact that national air quality objectives for PM_(10) and PM_(2.5) are still in the development stage in Canada, there exists an extensive federal-provincial monitoring effort for particulate matter (PM) in ambient air. As of the fall of 1997, 72 manual and 43 continuous PM_(10) monitoring sites were in operation and 19 manual and 34 continuous PM_(2.5) instruments were in the field. Up to twelve years of measurements of PM_(10), PM_(2.5), SO_4~(2-) and other trace elements are available for 19 Canadian locations. The highest mean and 90~(th) percentile PM~10) concentrations greater than the proposed national air quality objective of 40 mug/m~3. The highest mean and 90~(th) percentile PM_(2.5) concentrations were recorded at sites in the Windsor-Toronto corridor and at a roadisde site in Montreal. The lowest mean and 90~(th) percentile concentrations were recorded at the rural sites of Kejimkujik and Mount Sutton.
机译:尽管PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)的国家空气质量目标仍处于加拿大的发展阶段,但环境空气中的颗粒物质(PM)存在广泛的联邦省级监测努力。 截至1997年秋季,72手册和43个连续PM_(10)监测网站运行,19手册和34个连续PM_(2.5)仪器在现场。 高达12年的PM_(10),PM_(2.5),SO_4〜(2-)和其他跟踪元素可用于19个加拿大位置。 最高均值和90〜(Th)PM〜10)浓度大于建议的国家空气质量目标40杯/ m〜3。 最高的平均值和90〜(Th)百分位数PM_(2.5)浓度在Windsor-Toronto走廊的地点和蒙特利尔的道路院网站上记录。 在Kejimkujik和Mount Sutton的农村地点记录了最低的平均值和90〜(Th)百分点。



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