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Criminal Law Corruption Mode of Allocation of Village Fund




ADD (allocation of village funds) fraud is a form of corruption. This is based on the formulation of corruption acts as formulated in the law. What are the problems in writing this thesis are: 1. What are the factors that cause the mismanagement of Village Fund Allocation? 2. What is the form of corruption in the village funds budget? The research method in this paper is empirical normative research. Normative legal research is legal research that examines written law from aspects of theory, history, philosophy, comparison, structure and composition, scope and material, general explanations from article by article. Empirical research is an unwritten positive law research on the behavior of community members in the relationship of community life. The results of the study show that, the Factors That Cause the Disruption of Village Fund Allocation Management are, not the involvement of the community in the planning and supervision of village funds. Limited competence of village heads and village officials. Not optimal role of village institutions, directly or indirectly. High political costs due to the competitive arena of village head elections. The form of corruption in the village fund budget is, mark up prices, false reports, borrowing village funds, deducting village funds, fictitious business trips, mark up honorariums, mark up office stationery payments, tax evasion, purchasing personal office inventory, budget cuts public, do "kongkalingkong", make fictitious projects whose funds are charged from village funds.
机译:添加(村落资金分配)欺诈是一种腐败形式。这是根据法律制定的腐败行为的制定。撰写本文的问题是什么:1。导致村基金分配管理不善的因素是什么? 2.村落资金预算中腐败的形式是什么?本文的研究方法是经验规范研究。规范性法律研究是从理论,历史,哲学,比较,结构和组成,范围和材料的方面审查书面法的法律研究,文章的一般解释。实证研究是对社区生活中社区成员行为的不成文态度研究。研究结果表明,导致村基金分配管理中断的因素不是社区参与村基金的规划和监督。村长和村官员的有限能力。直接或间接村机构的不良作用。由于村长选举的竞争竞技场,政治成本高。村基金预算的腐败形式是,标志着价格,虚假报告,借款村资金,扣除村资金,虚假商务旅行,标记酬金,标志办公室文具付款,逃税,购买个人办公库存,预算削减公开,做“Kongkalingkong”,制定虚构的项目,其资金来自村基金。



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