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Effect of Up-Down Stairs Exercise and Hurdle Jump on Limb Muscle Explosive Power of Volleyball Players




The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of exercise up and down the stairs and jump the hurdle drills on the ability of leg muscle explosive power volleyball club players. This type of research is experimental that involved 14 male volleyball players. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics with dependent samples t-test formula. Based on the analysis of the data that the first hypothesis turns out, there is no significant influence exercises up and downstairs to the ability of leg muscle explosive power, to find t at 4.36 higher than the value ttabel 2.45. Furthermore, the second hypothesis there is no significant influence of hurdle jump exercise on leg muscle explosive power because it was found to 14.14 higher than the value ttabel 2.45. While the third hypothesis there is no significant difference between the effects of exercise up and down the stairs and jump the hurdle drills on the ability of leg muscle explosive power volleyball club players SMK 1 Solok Selatan, t = 0,2,05> table = 2.45.
机译:本研究的目的是确定运动的效果上下楼梯,并跳到腿部肌肉爆炸性电力排球俱乐部球员的能力。这种类型的研究是涉及14名男排球员的实验性。分析数据与具有依赖样本T-Test公式的描述性和推理统计数据。基于第一个假设的数据分析,腿部肌肉爆炸动力的能力没有显着的影响,以比价值Ttabel 2.45高4.36。此外,第二个假设对腿部肌肉爆炸动力的障碍跳跃运动没有显着影响,因为它被发现高于价值Ttabel 2.45的14.14。虽然第三个假设在楼梯上下运动的效果之间没有显着差异,并跳过腿部肌肉爆炸电源排球俱乐部球员SMK 1 Solatan,T = 0,2,05>表= 2.45。



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