首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Green Intelligent Transportation Systems and Safety >Impact of Road Alignment on Lane Departure: A Driving Simulator Study

Impact of Road Alignment on Lane Departure: A Driving Simulator Study




Lane departure is a major cause of side-swipes, rear-end collisions, and crashes. Road curvature, as an important part of linear road design, plays a vital role in lane departure. Based on study of the Curve radius and slope of the road, the linear parameters can be optimized to reduce the probability of lane departure. The curvature radius and slope of the road are designed in UC-winRoad and multiple experiments through a driving simulator are performed to output the evaluation data. Based on the radius of curve, slope, and turning direction, numerical analysis of the lane offset are proposed. The relationship between lane departure and road alignment is obtained by analyzing the |P1| value after fitting the vehicle trajectory. The study found that the right-turn curves have a larger lane departure than the left-turn curves, and that too small and too large a curve radius will result in a large lane departure.
机译:车道出发是侧滑动,后端碰撞和崩溃的主要原因。 道路曲率是线性道路设计的重要组成部分,在车道出发中起着至关重要的作用。 基于对道路曲线半径和坡度的研究,可以优化线性参数以降低车道偏离的概率。 道路的曲率半径和斜率在UC-WinRoad中设计,并执行通过驾驶模拟器的多个实验,以输出评估数据。 基于曲线半径,斜率和转向方向,提出了车道偏移的数值分析。 通过分析| P1 |基道偏离和道路对齐之间的关系 拟合车辆轨迹后的价值。 该研究发现,右转曲线具有比左转曲线更大的车道偏离,而且太小且太大的曲线半径将导致大车道出发。



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